Category Archives: God Speaks


The silent voice of God speaks from a billion stars,It reaches to my deepest soul, though He speaks from so afar.A diamond is brought forth from the heart of darkest earth,But shines like celestial beacon, when light reveals its worth.The … Continue reading

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Message From Above

He paints for me a picture, He whispers in my ear, Although you may not understand, to me it’s more than clear. The Light that shines from heaven, this light shines down on earth, Reveals the things of God and … Continue reading

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The watchmen they sleep and God He prepares, The angel will reap the wheat and the tares. The wine press is ready, for grapes of great wrath, The march of men steady on their destructive path. The fig bush it … Continue reading

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Forecast: Dark Days & Fiery Nights

Watchman on the tower, tell me what you see, There’s a storm a-brewin’, gonna knock you to your knees. Weatherman, tell me, is the watchman right? Put your head ‘tween your knees and grab your ankles tight. Where will it … Continue reading

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