A “Dear God” Letter

Dear God,

Thank you for my Salvation. Thank you for this miraculous world that I live in. Thank you for my family and friends that you have given me. And God, I’m grateful I have a home to come home to every day and food to eat on the table every night. Thank you for the trust and the freedom my parents let me have.

God, I want you to know that I’m very sorry that when I make mistakes you grieve. Because I know what grieving feels like. And, God, I want you to know that I have faith and trust in everything you do, like my mom not being around, but I know you have a reason for that. And I know my mind can’t comprehend your reason, but I have enough faith and trust to understand. And I know, Lord, that Jesus is my Savor and that I love ya’ll with all my heart, soul and mind; and that one day I’ll be in your Kingdom and, Lord, I care about you with everything inside of me, because without you I would be absolutely nothing at all, because you made this whole entire world that’s around me. On sunny days you make the sunshine; at sunset the sky is your canvas; on snowy days when I look out my window and I see just a warm cozy blanket of snow. It’s all you, Lord, all you! And it’s all so wonderful!

And, Lord, I pray you help me understand your words and Joel’s teachings to help me be with you. And, God, I know that with you, nothing is impossible and if I pray and have faith and trust, my greatest desire will come true and, Lord, I don’t have to say in this letter what I want because you know me better than I know me.

God, there’s just so much to be thankful for! Thanks for letting me see Brooke at the ice plex, thank you for knowing such wonderful and kind people and for letting me train such a marvelous creature as Chanel. Thanks for letting me, just letting me be a human being itself, for letting me see, to hear, thanks for letting me know your words. And, God, I want you to know you will always have a home with me in my heart. And, Lord, I want you to come in my heart and to never leave, to stay by my side and pray with me for eternity.

So, God, I pray that you come in. In Jesus name, I love you and pray.

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