Mother Teresa

The years have etched its laugh lines across her peaceful face,
She longs between her work on earth and for a better place.
She has no fear of mortal man, but for the Holy Father,
Her work for Him, her greatest joy, it never is a bother.
“Halleluiah” is her famous phrase; she sings it night and day,
“Praise the Lord!” Comes from her lips, it’s what she has to say.
A selfless soul her only goal, to bring souls close to Christ,
And with this burning passion, she dedicates her life.
Her love for God is not mere talk; she knows His Love is true,
And to know Him is to love Him and to love Him through and through.
What a blessing Sister T as you move hearts toward their Saviour.
We know God’s hand works in you by the change in their behaviour.
Into the cage of dark despair where there’s cursing and much hatin’,
She enters in amidst the sin and fights a war with Satan.
But he’s no match for this lady, for her Father He stands near,
And with His Word His awesome power this lady knows no fear.
In the jail she goes each day, you’d think she’d want a better place,
But this woman of God’s calling has such a beautiful faith!
Roll on Mother Teresa, buy those books and burn that gas,
As God’s people go I know God knows you’re in a special class!
Halleluiah! Praise the Lord!


Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness,
like the stars forever and ever.
Daniel 12:3

A note about “Mother Teresa”: I called the Christian bookstore attempting to get a Bible to an inmate ASAP. Books are only given to inmates when mailed directly from the publisher. I was willing to pay the Bookstore extra to mail a factory wrapped copy directly to the jail. They gave me the number of a woman in a jail ministry who gives Bibles and books to inmates on a regular basis due to the fact she has been doing this for a few years and has established trust with those in charge of running the facility. After talking on the phone with her I also became involved in this organization. As my mentor in this ministry I have a respect for this woman that I have for very few other people. Our shared love for Jesus brings a whole new meaning, “Sister in Christ.” My hero! I often thank God for introducing me to this wonderful spirit. More often I leave the jail praising God with more intensity than leaving church on Sunday. I never seen Teri Townsend without her shoes, but I know she has to have some good looking feet! (Romans 10:15) By the way, the Mother Teresa nickname came from an inmate who through God’s grace and her diligence has become a mighty man of faith. Halleluiah, Praise the Lord.

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