Morning Appointment

Morning time with Jesus in the room that keeps my bed,
I gaze at joy and wonder at the words that are colored red.
My body usually fights my soul for a little extra sleep,
But battleship chains couldn’t hold me down I’ve an appointment I must keep.
He tells me of so many things that only He would know,
Pure wisdom from the mind of God, from high it reaches low.
What a privilege, what a joy, to fellowship with Him,
The curtain has been torn and I may enter in.
I give Him all my highest praise and thanks with all my heart,
Sometimes it seems my time is up before I even start.
Time alone with Jesus, what a way to start the day,
The greatest thing you’ll ever do is read His Word and pray.
Our bodies cannot function without some food to eat,
And just the same my soul is drained without His words so sweet.
He always says the right thing and at the perfect time,
For perfect conversation no better person you will find.
How did I at one time make it through the troubles of the day
When so many years I ignored Him and never took the time to pray?
Why would He even listen or even now, bless me with my faith?
My hard and sinful heart cannot comprehend His grace.
But His Love does pierce the darkest parts within my soul so dark,
His Love light growing brighter it came from just a spark.
A spark is all I’d let inside for His great Light I did fear,
But as it’s grown by what He’s shown I see His Love so clear.
I cannot tell you of many things, but only what I know,
And I know Jesus and His Words have caused my joy to grow.
Joy unlike the worldly kind, temporary at best,
But found within my Savior I have eternal rest.
Rest from earthly troubles and the burden of my sin,
He took them from me on the day His hands and feet were pinned.
But I would not receive this gift until I took the time,
To seek Him in the quiet moments I now know are sublime.
Crack the door of your heart just a tiny little bit,
And you will find when His Light shines, you’ll never want to quit.
It will grow much brighter with every minute that you spend,
In time with your Creator whose days shall know no end.
What a concept, what a plan, I cannot fathom, nor understand.
Why He who rules the universe would Love me, sinful man.
And reveal His Love to my heart and my head,
While sitting, kneeling on my own bed.


“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered,
“You are worried and upset about many things,
but few things are needed—or indeed only one.
Mary has chosen what is better,
and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10:41-42

A note about “Morning Appointment”: Bad habits are sometimes easier to make than they are to break. Sometimes good habits are easy to make and when they are rewarding they are easy to keep. Satan will want to keep you from getting “the ball rolling” because he knows just how secure a fortress this will build against his attacks. Sometimes no matter how good something is, human nature seems to take it for granted and you don’t realize its positive spin on your life until you miss a day. That’s all it takes to make a bad day and sometimes you don’t figure it out until the day is almost over. When you do figure out that you didn’t start your day in His presence, with His wisdom and basking in His Love for just a few minutes it strengthens your resolve for the following morning. When God’s Love for us is so intense and immense, it is easy to return it by sitting at the Master’s feet!

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