Though we may now shed painful tears, one day in joy we’ll shout,
This promise given by God above is ours if we don’t doubt.
As we return to seek His face we sorrow for our sin,
And the burning tears that we sow, causes new life to begin,
Tender shoots of peace and joy that dance in gentle breeze,
But grow to stand the mighty gale, roots deep and tall as trees.
Tears should flow when we finally know our sin hurts God above,
And through them all, He gently calls our name with utmost Love.
The prodigal son, he tried to run from his father in his day,
But when he came back from want and lack, this he had to say.
“Father I’m not worthy to be called one of your sons,
For all the pain I’ve caused you and the damage that I’ve done.
I’ve taken what was truly yours and wasted it, now it’s gone,
Now take me as a hired hand for I’ve done you nothing but wrong.”
His father replied to his son’s surprise, “My servants quickly come
And bring the finest robe I have and put it on my son.
Put a ring upon his finger and shoes upon his feet,
This weary, tattered child of mine who before me does now weep.
Kill the fattened calf and let’s make a joyful sound,
This son of mine was lost and now once again he’s found.
And though he was as good as dead, my son is now alive,
For when we celebrate tonight it’s tears of joy we’ll cry.”
So though you may be weeping now for yourself or perhaps others,
Maybe your sons and daughters, for sisters, or for brothers.
Sow your tears in prayer to our Father, who Loves and also waits,
And we’ll see a return of songs of joy though we may not know the date.
Carrying sheaves, all we can hold, a crop that is eternal,
All come from lowly teardrop that is repentance’s kernel.
A man will reap just what he sows and this is no exception,
The devil he would tell you that this is a deception.
But when we weep with humble hearts it puts us in our place,
For he who does not see his sin, he has no need for grace.
And when we bow before our God we discover awesome fact,
In our minds and humble hearts is where our Father’s at.
By the blood and tears of Jesus, God’s given us a Way,
To sing the songs of greatest joy, forever and today.
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.
Psalm 126:5-6
A note about “Teardrops Falling, Joy is Calling”: During a Bible Study that expounded on Galatians 5:6, “Whatever a man sows that shall he also reap,” we came across Psalm 126:5-6, “Sowing in tears, reaping in joy,” at least one person in each group felt this could be a contradiction. Though at first glance it may seem so, it is certainly anything but. Tears of repentance come with realizing our sinful condition before God and the joy comes forth when we realize how awesome that God’s grace is, truth begets truth. Without the understanding of our need for grace, even God’s fantastic grace cannot germinate within us. The parable of the Prodigal Son, was certainly one of the most beautiful pictures Jesus ever painted of the Love of God, and also the wayward path of His children. Maybe that’s just my opinion, it takes one to know one. The robe and ring I perhaps am still waiting on, but I’ve got the sandals and I’m running for the prize!
I Corinthians 9:24