Oxygen for the Soul

As I begin my time of prayer I look up to the sky,
And ask the Creator of all there is, God please do tell me why?
Why would you hear a sinner of such very little worth,
Who’s rejected and ignored you from since my day of birth?
I am just a tiny speck in your universe so grand,
Compared to all the oceans’ beaches, just a single grain of sand.
But you must still surely Love me, for I’m not yet in the grave,
Oft times I’m in too deep of water, but you keep my head above the waves.
As I look up to the sky above at sun and moon and stars,
It takes my breath in awesome wonder at how great you truly are.
Wonder turns into praise and praise turns into thanks,
And thanks turns into love returned that goes into heaven’s banks.
Oh what greater beauty my eyes of faith do see,
The One who formed all there is, was bruised and died for me.
My mind cannot fathom this; its logic makes no sense,
Though my soul is but a pauper He treats me like a prince.
Sin has built a wall, but God has broke it down,
He did when He picked up His cross and removed His brilliant crown.
What more could I ever ask, you’ve given me your all,
But in the thanks and praise I send, I’ll listen for your call.
A call to pray for other souls, who’ve yet to see the Light,
For You to heal their eyes of faith and give them precious sight.
I pray that soon your Son’s return will fix this broken earth,
And those of faith will put you in your place and always put you first.
I worship and adore you and send you all my love,
I wish that I could join You where you live high above.
But as for now I’ll stay right here, I’ll be your hands and feet,
And ask You without stopping if others’ needs you’d meet.
For Your Power is almighty and is right here in my hands,
It comes when I do fold them, kneel and do not stand.
You hear my thoughts by Christ’s blood bought, there’s nothing any greater,
So I must never hesitate and put it off till later.
Tomorrow never comes and there’s no promise of more time,
So may my prayer rise up to You and in Your Kingdom shine.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

A note about “Oxygen for the Soul”: We can’t see air, taste it, smell it and though we can hear it and feel it when it’s on the move we tend to take it for granted. Prayer is much the same and is just as important for our spiritual lives as oxygen is for our bodies. You may say that eternal life cannot be extinguished by lack of prayer, but I think like breathing, if God’s Spirit lives within us we do it (again much like physical breathing) unconsciously to a degree. But if you’ve ever been in a hot, dark claustrophobic, cramped space for an extended time you know how sweet it is to step out into the fresh air and breath in deep. Is your spirit in a “dungeon” now, get on your knees and take a deep breathe. You’ll be surprised.

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