The Passover celebrates our cycle of life,
Delivered from slavery, pardoned from strife.
Evil is broken, though unyielding it seemed,
The glory of freedom, it once was a dream.
But it’s here and it’s now by the blood of the Lamb,
No longer are our souls eternally damned.
Both Pharaoh and Satan would have us as slaves,
To keep us beyond life and the grave.
But God has redeemed us by His mercy and Love,
By the Lamb that He sent from His throne from above.
The herbs that are bitter foul to our taste,
The bread that is made in the greatest of haste.
Reminds of years of toiling for sin,
And the urgency felt for a new life to begin.
Leaving the land of trouble and woe,
For a land of great promise, onward we go.
Yes the blood of Lamb has kept death at bay,
Though those who’re without Him it could be their last day.
For death holds a schedule not known to men,
And no one can know the where or the when.
But one thing’s for certain, one thing’s for sure,
The death angel he knocks at every man’s door.
Will he see the Blood of our Savior the Christ,
On the doorpost of your heart, where it will save your life?
Save it for Heaven to be forever with God,
To be moved into glory from a house made of sod.
Or will it be missing on that terrible day,
When that angel will take your short life away.
The Lamb has been slain so don’t hesitate,
To receive His life Blood, hurry don’t wait.
For night it is passing and soon breaks the day,
Of freedom and joy that we find in the Way.
Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,
The Lamb of all ages, sweet Jesus the Christ.
When the LORD goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians,
he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe
and will pass over that doorway,
and he will not permit the destroyer to
enter your houses and strike you down.
Exodus 12:23
A note about “The Passover Lamb”: This great event that happened over 3000 years ago is still celebrated by Jews around the world. But it actually pales in comparison to the sacrifice of the true Lamb of God. It was a sign pointing to the real deal. Everyone who escaped death that night (with the exception of Joshua and Caleb) would soon fall prey to it within the next forty years. However those who have the Blood of Jesus on the “doorposts” of their hearts do not die, but merely “change clothes.” The entire story is a representation of every person’s spiritual odyssey.