The Shepherd’s sTaff

Jesus Christ Great Shepherd, brought this wandering sheep back home,
Rescued me from the roaring lion when I was all alone.
Bound my wounds with TLC, washed my wool with Blood,
Saved me from my evil sin, though it was a mighty flood.
Carried me within strong arms when I too weak to walk,
Waited with the greatest patience when in fear I balked.
Great Shepherd, I will follow You, wherever You do lead.
My Shepherd is no hired hand, cause for me He did bleed.
He climbed the mountain, searched the valley, He did look high and low,
He suffered greatest pain for me; He wouldn’t let His mission go.
And now I am within His fold, I love Him and He Loves me,
But now that He has brought me home lost sheep is all I see.
They’re on the street, they’re in the jail, they’re even in the church,
The lion stalks, there’s circling hawks and the buzzard’s on his perch.
These bleating sheep on path so steep descending towards the pit,
They do not heed the Shepherd’s voice although they all hear it.
Hasten to His mighty staff; it has the power to save,
And bring all people off the path that leads down to the grave.
Green pastures they are waiting on the far side of the hill,
Cool still waters beautiful, where we can drink our fill.
When Jesus is good Shepherd He meets our every need,
And you may hear His voice when His Word you daily read,
My cup it runneth over, it does, it does indeed.


For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned
to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
I Peter 2:25

A note about “The Shepherds Staff”: You hear it at every funeral. I really thought it was overrated for a while there, but I was wrong. David scribbled but it was definitely the Spirit of Jesus who was the author. Jesus could say volumes in very, very few words. This is sure enough His hand writing. When I go to be received by my Creator face to face, I hope nobody reads this at my kickoff (funeral) I hope they sing it!

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