Mary Magdalene walked the earth with our Lord, Jesus Christ,
But before the time she met Him she had a curse upon her life.
Seven evil houseguests wore their welcome out,
They filled her head with misery, filled her heart with doubt.
Spirits vile, with bad intent, demons you might say;
Their greatest goal for our soul is to push our God away.
But one day Jesus, Mary met, the Son of God, the Christ;
And on that day as she did pray, the Master changed her life.
He sent those demons packing, to Mary’s great delight.
The darkness that once ruled her world had changed to brilliant light.
Mary did not take for granted the sweet Love that Christ gave,
For she followed Him from that day all the way to His dark grave.
Even when death seemed to conquer her Lord she loved so much,
She came back to His rocky tomb for she missed His Holy touch.
But He was no longer lying there; she feared that He’d been taken,
To grief was added great alarm, her very soul was shaken.
But then she saw Him standing there, her joy then mixed with fear,
The first to see the risen Christ, His resurrected words to hear.
How then can a house that once held demons and great sin,
Be the first life to greet the Risen Christ, Savior of all men?
Grace and Love from Jesus has no limit, border, or bounds;
And what sweet Mary saw that day, in faith by us is found.
No matter what demons plague you, no matter what you’ve done,
The Risen Jesus waits for you, imagine that, God’s Holy Son.
Now all of us are sinners, we’ve known some demons too.
But Jesus gives forgiveness; me and Mary know this is true.
If you would like your demons gone then seek the Master’s touch;
His power is unlimited, for you He has enough.
And one day we’ll see Mary and with her we shall praise
The Christ who cast all demons out and who’ll raise us from the grave.


When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week,
he appeared first to Mary Magdalene,
out of whom he had driven seven demons.
Mark 16:9

A note about “Seven Awful Curses”: Mary Magdalene had seven demons tormenting her for who knows how long. Mark 16:9, this woman who once had the literal powers of hell and evil living in her, was the very first person to have the extreme privilege to see our resurrected Lord and Savior. It’s all about grace and gives great hope for the worst of us sinners.

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