Your vision may be twenty-twenty, but what do you perceive?
The condition of our heart affects what we receive.
One man sees a beggar and opens up his hand,
Another sees contempt when he eyes same beggar man.
The one whose heart is loving sees some good in all,
The hateful heart sees evil, he cannot see beyond this wall.
Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, this we all do know,
But trouble’s found by those who seek it, everywhere they go.
Do you see the world around you with God’s most Loving eye?
Or is your perception tainted with the cloud of Satan’s lie.
Some see the glass half empty; some see it as half-full;
Some are blind although they see; they push when they should pull.
Windows of the soul dirtied up with sin,
Can’t clean them from the outside they must be cleaned within.
Jesus healed the blind men with His Holy touch;
In their great joy they spoke of Him, they could not say too much.
But even if our vision is perfect as can be,
He can heal our heart, so we can truly see.
What is true, what is perfect, what is good and right;
The heart that loves and lives in Christ has the perfect sight.
So, who would live in darkness when Jesus lights the heart?
Light from Him comes shining in and shines on deepest part.
As we perceive, we shall receive, a blessing or a curse;
And for our eyes to see real beauty our heart must see it first.


The eye is the lamp of the body.
If your eyes are healthy,
your whole body will be full of light.
Matthew 6:22

A note about “Windows of the Soul”: Perfect vision does not mean perfect perception. An evil heart sees things completely different from the heart transformed by Jesus. The two thieves crucified with Jesus both saw the exact same man between them, but their perception of Him was as different as Heaven is from Hell. What do you see when you gaze upon the Man?

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