There’s a short broad highway that beckons souls of men,
Perceived as the path to pleasure, but it’s the road of sin.
Its glory is so fleeting, but people live for the present,
To remind them of the future, they hold in great contempt.
For they are captivated by the devil’s own fool’s gold.
Don’t barter with the evil one or you could lose your soul.
This highway’s full of multitudes, who bought into his lie,
He hopes to keep them on this road till the end when they will die.
Sisters follow brothers, and children follow mothers,
Men chase after power and lust and lead the way for others.
But no one can see its horrid end, for it lies just beyond the grave;
To travel down its slippery slope makes every traveler its slave.
But there is one more option though it is an uphill climb,
The straight and narrow less traveled road, true seekers they will find.
It is a trail of blood and tears for sufferings the cost,
But what is found at its end is more than worth the loss.
This trail was blazed by Jesus Christ; His footprints are the Way,
We all must keep our eyes on Him, so we don’t do like sheep and stray.
This road is not so crowded for few have eyes of faith,
But though we must tote heavy cross, God gives us His sweet grace.
The multitude upon broad road think the narrow ways for fools,
They mock and taunt its weary walkers; they’re sadistic and so cruel.
But they soon find out the things they sought disappear like smoke,
And Satan, he does laugh at them, a sick perverted joke.
But the straight and narrow highway, we’ll see Jesus at its end,
And not as Judge or Punisher, but as our Savior and our Friend.
So, listen now you walkers, of the devil’s path,
When you reach the end you’ll only find great wrath.
But you can change the road you’re on, it’s easy and it’s free,
Heaven’s welcome sign is out for the worst of sinners just like me.
Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13-14
A note about “Two Roads One Choice”: It’s very simple; we are either heading toward God or moving away from Him. You cannot do both. You can change roads, but you can’t do both at the same time. One is appealing to the flesh, the carnal part of us. The other is mandatory for the life of our spirit. It’s a matter of looking beyond the temporary, to looking in faith past the horizon, trusting that God has something better in mind for us. From Abraham to us, God tests His children’s love. Not for His benefit, He knows His own, but for our own confirmation and perhaps to give the devil his due. Remember Job.