Don’t put your Sunday clothes on to hide the stain of sin.
Don’t paint a rosy smile to veil the broken heart within.
Don’t make a joyful noise to mask the tears within your soul.
Don’t worry bout your bankrupt spirit you need not money or gold.

“Come as you are,” Jesus whispers in your ear.
“Come as you are.” In faith there is no fear.
As we come near in love there is no fear, it draws us near.
Come with all your trouble, your sin and pain that weighs you down,
Come and bring your all to the cross, where God’s Love, peace and joy are found.

The blind men came to Jesus although they couldn’t see,
A thief came in his last hours though nailed upon a tree.
A wise man came with questions admitting he did lack,
And I came when my whole world had turned to darkest black.

“Come as you are,” Jesus whispers in your ear.
“Come as you are.” In faith there is no fear.
As we come near in love there is no fear, it draws us near.
Come with all your trouble, your sin and pain that weighs you down,
Come and bring your all to the cross, where God’s Love, peace and joy are found.

Jesus healed the leper and changed Zacchaeus’ heart.
We all must come to Him before the change will start.
He will not refuse the soul that truly seeks Him out,
That comes to Him with faith and trust and does not harbor doubt.

Come now all you people, come to Jesus as you are,
He came to free the sinner from the prison of sin’s bars.
Righteousness is not needed. He gives us His instead,
And we grow to know this sublime Love, for me Christ’s Blood was shed.

“Come as you are,” Jesus whispers in your ear.
“Come as you are.” In faith there is no fear.
As we come near in love there is no fear, it draws us near.
Come with all your trouble, your sin and pain that weighs you down,
Come and bring your all to the cross, where God’s Love, peace and joy are found.


All those the Father gives me will come to me,
and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
John 6:37

And wherever he went—into villages, towns or countryside—
they placed the sick in the marketplaces.
They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak,
and all who touched it were healed.
Mark 6:56

A note about “Come As You Are”: So many people feel as though their sin makes them unworthy of God. They are absolutely right. But many make the mistake of thinking they can do something, such as religion, church attendance, or any number of “good” things. Isaiah 64:6 declares “our righteousness is as filthy rags.” Let us not put up a front of “filthy rags” and let us go to the fount of cleansing which is Jesus Christ. If we cling to any other way, He cannot clean that which we do not bring. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9 Don’t hide it, don’t deny it, come as you are!

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