Let me pray, Lord, let me say, Lord, How I love You every day Lord.
Every hour, every minute, In this old world while I’m in it.
For you have gave me everything, And to You, Lord, I must now bring
My humble heart and all I am, I place it fully in Your hand.
Praise and Love, I raise above, to my Savior who is and was,
Who brought me up from deepest hole, Who fills my cup and saves my soul.
And who will be forever more, He stands and knocks upon our door.
Let me give, Lord, let me live, Lord, let me do what You would bid, Lord,
With every fiber of my being, all around Your grace I’m seeing
You gave great Love upon a cross for such as I, oh what a cost.
My broken soul and all I be, I trust in faith to only thee.
Praise and Love, I raise above, to my Savior who is and was,
Who brought me up from deepest hole, Who fills my cup and saves my soul.
And who will be forever more, He stands and knocks upon our door.
Where can I go on this vast earth, to find joy and peace and a rebirth
Than You Sweet Lord Who Loves me so. There’s nowhere, anywhere that I can go.
My path is straight to heaven’s gate, I’m running, Lord, I won’t be late.
I long to see Your awesome face, the fullest measure of Your grace.
Let me sing, Lord, let me bring, Lord, all I am and everything, Lord,
To Your throne though worthy I’m not, permission granted through Christ’s Blood bought. I give by love and grateful heart from largest to the smallest part.
You deserve no less than very best, for all I am You’ve more than blessed.
Praise and Love, I raise above, to my Savior who is and was,
Who brought me up from deepest hole, Who fills my cup and saves my soul.
And who will be forever more, He stands and knocks upon our door.
Praise the LORD, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise His holy name.
Psalm 103:1
A note about “Message to Heaven 24/7”: It’s all about relationship, not religion. To know God is to love Him. The better you know Him the more you will love Him. To contemplate what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do in the future can only bring forth praise and worship. When we think of His perfection and Holiness and our extreme lack of either one, it humbles us and exalts Him. Although our worship is meager and lacking here and now, then and later we will have eternity to practice.