I’ve got a picture of Jesus up upon my wall,
I know it is not Him, is not Him at all.
But it reminds me of one thing, that is sure and true:
I’ve got to watch what I say and watch just what I do.
Cause Jesus He is everywhere, and he sees everything,
He hears me when I snore and hears me when I sing,
And I love my sweet Jesus, I love Him oh so much,
To hurt Him with my pride or hurt Him when I cuss.

Yes, Jesus is my friend who is always there,
He suffered for my soul to show how much He cares,
He’s deep inside our hearts like lungs when filled with air,
He’s here, He’s there, just like air, my God is everywhere.

In my picture on the wall, He wears the strangest hat,
It’s made from a vine and got claws like a cat.
A pain on the brain, I guess that’s what I’ve been,
When I’ve been to Him much less than a true friend.
But He’s looking at me with deepest Love in those bright eyes,
They make me feel ashamed and cut me down to size,
But the beauty in His heart that mortal eye will never see,
Is greater than all He’s made and all I’ll ever be.

Yes, Jesus is my friend who is always there,
He suffered for my soul to show how much He cares,
He’s deep inside our hearts like lungs when filled with air,
He’s here, He’s there, just like air, my God is everywhere.

Look down sweet Jesus on my frigid soul,
Warm my bones inside from this bitter cold.
I cannot be lonely when He is all around,
When I think about Him that frown turns upside down.

That picture on the wall, it’s completely black and white,
Not a shade of gray, such a beautiful sight.
It may not really look like Him, but who can really say,
And I don’t see the picture when I kneel-down to pray.
But it’s a reminder to my eyes of what I know is in my heart,
That Jesus really Loves me to my lowest, rotten part.
And one day I’ll be sure to see His real face when we meet,
That picture’s framed in my mind when Jesus does me greet.

Yes, Jesus is my friend who is always there,
He suffered for my soul to show how much He cares,
He’s deep inside our hearts like lungs when filled with air,
He’s here, He’s there, just like air, my God is everywhere.


For your ways are in full view of the Lord,
and he examines all your paths.
Proverbs 5:21

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory
and the exact representation of his being,
sustaining all things by his powerful word.
After he had provided purification for sins,
he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
Hebrews 1:3

A note about “Art for the Heart:” A homeless woman was a guest in a camper I owned for a few months when she finally wore out her welcome. Within weeks she overdosed, and I ended up with her belongings. She had a picture of Jesus that was a bit unconventional. She said that the last place she lived the homeowner was going to throw it in the trash, so she kept it. I could not discard it either, but it didn’t have a hook on the back to hang it. After a few weeks leaning against the wall on the floor of my bedroom I decided to put it on the kitchen counter of the same camper which I now used for practicing music. After several days of these piercing eyes staring at me (it was just a face) I got up at 2:00am one morning and wrote this poem. I tried to be quite clear that there’s nothing sacred or holy about ink and paper, but it’s all about who it represents. Not an idol, only a reminder, of reality. 1 Peter 1:8-9

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