God came down from heaven to do what He couldn’t do up there,
He took on flesh and bone and skin, and a heavy heart of care.
He could of came by plane or train, limo or a bus,
But He came by way of stable floor to meet the greatest need of us.
One of us, One of us,
Our spirits don’t come close to Him, so He clothed Himself in dust.
One of us, One of us,
He came to heal our broken souls and give us someone true to trust.
One of us, One of us,
To see the Love of God here, a blind man can, he must,
From His cradle in the stable to His Blood upon our table,
Just like me, He came to be, One of us.
The prophets from many years before told of this event,
That God Himself would come on down and live in mortal tent.
They even said He’d suffer and die, they told the reason, it was I,
These words from them we can’t deny, and history does not lie.
One of us, One of us,
Our spirits don’t come close to Him, so He clothed Himself in dust.
One of us, One of us,
He came to heal our broken souls and give us someone true to trust.
One of us, One of us,
To see the Love of God here, a blind man can, he must,
From His cradle in the stable to His Blood upon our table,
Just like me, He came to be, One of us.
Came in Love, born to die,
From above He came to buy
Our captive souls from Satan’s stocks,
With blood, not gold His Love unlocks
Heaven’s gate by highest price,
He changed our fate the Holy, One and only, Jesus Christ.
The wise men came and worshipped Him ‘cause they knew just who He was,
God Almighty personified, the epitome of Love.
But He would suffer pain and shame only ‘cause of us,
He comes into our lacking heart when we repent and trust.
One of us, One of us,
Our spirits don’t come close to Him, so He clothed Himself in dust.
One of us, One of us,
He came to heal our broken souls and give us someone true to trust.
One of us, One of us,
To see the Love of God here, a blind man can, he must,
From His cradle in the stable to His Blood upon our table,
Just like me, He came to be, One of us.
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
John 1:1
A note about “One of Us:” Don’t cut yourself short, everybody and I mean everybody, from the most ignorant, to the ugly, to the most wicked, we were all created in God’s image. Pretty amazing, Huh? We started out that way anyway. What we are now proves that we strayed a long way off the intended path. Now let’s not cut God short. He said, “Is the Lord’s arm to short,” Numbers 11:23. What’s more amazing than for us to be made in His image as for Him to take on our image and for what? To prove His sublime Love for us by being born in a stable (where service animals are kept Philippians 2:7) and being put in a feed tub (John 6:54-55). God’s Love for us surely exceeds our own self-worth.