The old preacher man called for rain,
The world they laughed, called him plain insane.
He was building a ship far from the sea,
And believed in a God they said, “Just couldn’t be”!
Then that same God shut the door,
The rain came down, began to pour.
That preacher’s family sailed to a brand-new day,
The others too late for them to pray.

That door, that door, not always open,
There comes a time when’s no use hoping.
When God shuts it tight, your time is done,
Hurry now brother, run to the Son.

Eleven sons later was a man named Lot,
Things was about to get real hot.
Rain once again, the official forecast,
It’s moving in Lot, better move real fast.
Cause this rain’s fire and brimstone too,
The angels told Lot there’s no time to lose.
Lot hummed and hawed and shuffled his feet,
So, they grabbed his hand fore they turned up the heat.

That door, that door, not always open,
There comes a time when’s no use hoping.
When God shuts it tight, your time is done,
Hurry now sister, run to the Son.

Jesus said that He’s the door,
He has greatest patience, that’s for sure.
When your faith sees Him, don’t hesitate,
Cause He will not forever wait.

Another monsoon is sure predicted,
Of fire and poison, the whole world afflicted.
In God’s great mercy, He gently warns,
By His Holy Word of this coming storm.
As it was in the days of old,
Evil prevails and hearts grow cold.
But God has opened a Door for all,
His name is Jesus and through Him crawl.

That door, that door, not always open,
There comes a time when’s no use hoping.
When God shuts it tight, your time is done,
Hurry now people, run to the Son.


The animals going in were male and female of every living thing
as God had commanded Noah.
Then the Lord shut him in.
Genesis 7:16

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.
They will come in and go out, and find pasture.
John 10:9

I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.
I know that you have little strength,
yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
Revelation 3:8

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old,
with blindness so that they could not find the door.
Genesis 19:11

A note about “Not Always Open:” I heard a preacher make the statement in his sermon one day that after Noah and his family entered the ark, that God shut the door. I’ve read my Bible cover to cover and couldn’t remember that. Soon as I got home, I looked it up and he was dead-on. What a terribly frightening thought for those who have not entered the true Ark (Jesus). I pray these words will cause many to consider the horror of that dreadful sound of that door slamming shut.

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