All good gifts come from God who Loves us all, of course;
And though they be so wonderful, they pale next to the Source.
Cause everything of this earth is comparable to smoke,
Except the greatest gift of all, the Word that God has spoke.
Our lives are ever changing, even memories soon do fade,
But He has sublime purpose in everything He’s made.
All we love, all we know, fall away like autumn’s leaves,
And when we think in earthly terms it makes our heart to grieve.
But winter’s death succumbs to spring every single year,
A worldwide event of this extent should vanquish every fear.
Because it only goes to show us that even death is not an end,
But it merely is a portal to a place when time will never end.
Now think about it closely what I’m about to say,
Leaving God’s path for our own surely invites decay.
When a leaf leaves the tree, it melts into the sod,
Can we expect any less when we forget about our God?
Yes, but He has promised new life by a single Baby’s birth,
When God Himself, the Creator of all descended down to earth.
What an awesome gift, greater than all creation,
The more we contemplate it, the greater our elation.
No gift exceeds the giver, whether by man or Jesus Christ,
And just like Him the greatest friend gives their very life.
It may not be to die upon a horrible pain filled cross,
It may not be a soldier’s lot, where life and limb are lost.
But the best gift that we can give to those we truly love,
We give without reservation like the Giver from above.
It is time, sweet time, each day a precious jewel.
Who keeps their time unto themselves is a greedy fool.
For time is quickly fleeting and all of it on loan,
But when we give it back to God, eternity is known.
So, when you think about all the gifts from our unchanging God above,
Invest what’s temporal to eternity and pay it forward with all your love.
And what you give will surely return a hundredfold of course,
And from love you sow, joy will grow, as you become part of the Source.


Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17

A note about “The Source:” My youngest daughter gave me a fancy notebook for Christmas with James 1:17 written inside the front cover. A simple gift, but I was overjoyed that she opened a Bible to pick me out a beautiful gem. I don’t know if she reads the Bible on a regular basis or even on occasion. But I do know she found this beautiful truth on her own and that in itself gives me enormous joy. I told her the next poem I wrote would be about that verse and 5:30am the next morning I rolled out of bed and grabbed that notebook. And I once again became conduit for blessing for whoever reads this which came straight from “the Source.” Of course!

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