I would like to make my Maker glad that He made me,
Return the Love He sent my way, though priceless He gave it free.
I think that was His purpose to give and to receive,
For love when it’s one sided will only make one grieve.
And that’s exactly what I did to God’s great loving heart,
I filled it with such awful pain into its deepest part.
Ignoring Him so many years, no thanks to Him I gave,
I did not serve Him like I should; I was Satan’s willing slave.
We all think God is bulletproof; no harm to Him will come,
But a tiny child can hurt the biggest man when his love they do shun.
A man can beat me black and blue, but soon I’ll surely heal,
But when a woman breaks my heart, the worst of pain I feel.
What a sorry sort I’ve been all my wretched life,
To pain the heart of Father God and cause the death of Christ.
Yes, I am more than guilty of the death of God’s own Son,
Just like every sinner even if their sin is only one.
Guilty as the Roman soldiers whose hammers drove the nails,
Repulsive as the heartless man who our Lord he did impale.
For Jesus died because of sin, ours surely, but not His,
And because of His great sacrifice forever we shall live.
A gift from God of greatest worth, my mind just can’t conceive,
But when we employ His gift of faith our heart can sure receive.
And I have done just that, and gave my heart to Him,
Living just to love Him and repenting of my sin,
Besides my heart and free will, I’ve nothing I can give,
But make Him glad He made me when in His Love I live.
It’s quite simple and more than easy there’s nothing we need do,
Than love Him and our fellowman with love that’s pure and true.


Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters,
in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 12:1

The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth
and His heart was filled with pain.

Genesis 6:6

A note about “Make My Maker”: At least once a month or more I bring up Genesis 6:6 in Bible Study at jail. We don’t think that we can hurt God cause He’s God, right? But the Bible is God’s revealing of Himself to humans and this is more than clear of the deep pain He has suffered for thousands of years (that we know of). I put it to them (the inmates) like this; have you ever had a bad cellmate/ Most have. You can block them out when you are out of the cell, when you are sleeping (or playing possum) and you always have some space between you both. However, God knows the deepest part of our hearts, the most vile, evil, wicked parts better than we know our own heart. He never sleeps and to top it off, multiply all this times 6 billion! We don’t tolerate a tiny biting gnat for a second; look what God puts up with! What an awesome God! What awesome Love! The very least we can do is return some in accordance to how we have received. May your life make Him glad He made you!

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