The King received a message one bright and sunny day,
A message from his Queen who’d traveled far away.
“Come at once my faithful husband if it would please the King,
And be so kind, our only son with you him also bring.”
The king replied, “I cannot come; I’ve matters that won’t wait,
But I’ll send the Prince right away and he will not be late.”
He called his son and told him go to his mother in greatest haste,
“Something is quite urgent we have not time to waste.
My bodyguards can’t go with you; they must remain with me,
So, we’ll dress you as a pauper you’ll look poor as poor can be.”
The King said, “Son, now quickly run and don’t stop upon the way,
For there are thieves and robbers who will kill you night or day.”
This loyal son left right away upon his weary quest,
And till he saw his mother’s face he’d give himself no rest.
Halfway there he saw a sight that stopped him in his tracks,
A little bird fell from his nest for a snake it’d be a snack.
He stopped to pick the bird up, it seemed an easy task.
But there were other deadly snakes hiding in the grass.
A band of ruthless robbers at once they circled him,
And a night of pain and torture was almost to begin.
They whipped him and they beat him, no mercy did they show,
They spit on him and mocked him, the future King they did not know.
They stripped him of his ragged clothes, for no money they could find,
They nailed him to that little bird’s tree to finish off their crime.
A King and Queen have lost a son, a tragedy so great,
Because he saved a tiny bird from suffering his own fate.
Now I am but a little bird who fell from lofty nest,
Stranded on hells broad highway waiting for my death.
But the Prince of Peace He came along and pulled me from the grave,
He suffered and He died for me for this little bird to save.
For a nation a true hero might dare to give his life,
But for the likes of me caused the suffering of the Christ.
This little bird can fly now and to the top of tree I sing,
Gratitude, praise and thanks to the resurrected King.


Look, if you sold a few sparrows,
how much money would you get?
A copper coin apiece, perhaps?
And yet your Father in heaven knows
when those small sparrows fall to the ground.

Matthew 10:29, The Voice

A note about “Pick-Me-Up”: This is an attempt to put a monumental event (the crucifixion of Jesus) in parable form to illustrate the vast difference between the Redeemer and the redeemed. A future king who is a man of great importance (Think chess when the king goes down, it’s game over) losing his life to save a baby bird. Although there’s a huge difference between a king and a baby bird it does not compare to the Creator of the universe and an evil sinner. If you think about it, the baby bird was innocent of any wrong and I didn’t just “fall” out of the tree. What a Savior!

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