Tiny humans, they will not last,
Their days of youth, will soon be past.
Their innocence refreshing, in a world gone mad,
To think they will soon lose it, it has to make you sad.
Worldly ways and evil days will soon corrupt all men,
And as they grow in knowledge they seem to grow in sin.
But a better path is waiting for their little feet,
As they walk with Jesus, their hearts and His will meet.
He guides in Love and safety as they take Him by the hand,
The revealing of God’s Love by the Son of God and man.
Jesus Loves the children, their faith should be our own,
They seek not to exalt themselves, they covet not a throne.
Unlike adults who want it all, no end to their desire,
And all they gain through work and pain ends in times sure fire.
Smoke and mist are all we earn, this time we’re on this earth,
But children are more than happy with what they had at birth.
Oh, that they would forever stay innocent and free,
But God knows best and like the rest of us they soon must be
Given the choice to lend their voice to love God or reject.
So teach them well of heaven and hell, this job do not neglect.
Tell them about Jesus, who blessed children with His touch,
And like His Father in heaven, He Loves them oh so much.
Will you lead them into God’s Love, or unto His fierce wrath?
It all depends on you, my friend; they’ll walk on your same path.
Time is fleeting, time flies by; they grow up in a wink,
And thoughts of God that we own will be just how they’ll think.
They are His, these little ones, for us they’re just on loan.
And when they grow and move away this fact will then be known.
A lofty charge we’ve been bestowed from God this has been given,
We teach our children not just with words, but in our daily living.
Help us, Jesus, in all we do, we commit to you these souls,
And when we do and follow you, we give them more than gold.


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

A note about “Silent Turning (Toward or Away)”: While working for a client, tearing down a pre-civil war chimney and rebuilding it, I soon found out he was a single parent raising two absolutely beautiful five-year-old twin girls, named Ella and Margaret. They reminded me of when my children were children. My biggest regret in my life is not raising them in the knowledge of God and His Kingdom. It may be water under the bridge, but I pray for them daily to the One who parted the Red Sea and stopped the flow of the Jordan. I also pray that this one will touch the hearts of parents (and grandparents) everywhere. Your faith, whether lacking, or over the top, will be the inheritance of your children. A sobering thought!

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