The Roommate Divine

God’s Holy Spirit, residing in me,
Opens my eyes, this blind man can see.
The rooms that I give Him, are the rooms that He takes,
He cleans up my house and His house He does make.
A temple, an altar unto the Maker of men,
As He cleanses our hearts and exposes our sin.
I speak now with tongue of blessing and praise,
Where once my foul mouth only hell it did raise.
He gives me sweet words that burst forth from my pen,
He does it over and over, again and again.
Dare not refuse Him, His intentions are good,
But He works not by force, but that you bid that He should.
Spirit of God, living in me,
Though the world is a prison, He sets captives free.
Free from all fear, of death and the grave,
Free from the chains of sin, oh how we’re saved.
For the devil’s the master of all those not His,
And He hates, all that’s good, and no good does he give.
But the Spirit gives life and every good thing,
He replaces sorrow with joy and makes my heart sing.
He teaches me wisdom and spiritual truth,
The knowledge He gives it goes through the roof.
For His ways are higher than the ways of the world,
As He guides us in prayer His secrets unfurl.
The Love in my soul cannot come from dry spring,
But it runs like a river from the King of all Kings.
Oh Jesus, I love you, may you fill up my soul,
This sublime Gift from our God outweighs the world’s gold.
If a child asks for bread would you give him a stone?
If you ask God for His Spirit, He will make you His home.
I pass on this promise as it was made unto me,
And I tell you now, friend, my eyes surely see
The good life from God right now and to come,
For there’s joy and great comfort of uncountable sum.
Holy Spirit of God, how I worship you now,
Take me, and make me, and to you I do bow.


And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate
to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth.
The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.
But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 14:16-18

A note about “The Roommate Divine”: The Spirit of God Almighty resides inside our very being and you’d think it was classified information. The problem is, if we don’t give Him control of all we have, His presence can remain undetected. His power within us is in direct relationship to our submission to His will. 1 Corinthians 3:9 declares, “We are fellow workers with God,” we are not puppets.

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