
Summer Aug 24 2013

Summer August 24, 2013

Summer, dawn don’t be gone, I wish it would ever stay.
My favorite of all seasons the best part of the day,
the red sun rises in the sky and clears the morning mist.
The dew remains upon the plain and the earth is gently kissed.
Awake my soul, awake!
To read God’s Word of Love
which like the dawn, my spirit’s drawn to a light that shines from above.
There is no better start to begin another day
than to behold the Holy Word and thank God as we pray.
An abundant treasure trove these special Words of Life
that tell of God’s sweet Love personified in Christ.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who on the cross He bore our sin.
He Loved us more than a brother, more than any friend.
Money gets spent and our body’s tent returns back to the dust,
but the Words of this book, this precious book, will never rot or rust.
So read them every day, put them in your heart and in your mind;
and Real Love, peace and joy is exactly what you’ll find.
They light the path to heaven and a better place on earth
nothing else in this old world will ever touch their worth.

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