This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers.
One of the tiniest seeds (the size of the head of a pin) grows to be one of the largest plants in the geographic location where Jesus lived during His time here on earth. Jesus did a very unusual thing concerning this teensy pod containing life. He used it in two different parables: one about faith, and the other about the kingdom of Heaven. Was this a mistake or are the two tied together and cannot be separated?
The little seed of faith begins in our heart and grows (with proper nourishment) into a life-transforming miracle that shows itself by the actions of our hands, feet, mouths and every fiber of our being. I can certainly testify to this in my own life.
Jesus preached quite a bit about the Kingdom of Heaven, but when asked when this Kingdom would come, He told several “religious experts”, the Kingdom of God is within you.
Our meeting will be about discussing how to plant, water, fertilize, prune and enjoy this pod of life that God offers to us all. Do you have the faintest idea that God might exist? Have you planted your seed of faith so it may begin to grow into what God intended? Will you take it to your grave without ever planting it? People do it every day. It’s just like starving to death with a meal ticket in your pocket. How sad!
Bring your seed, I’ve got the fertilizer — people used to tell me all the time that I’m full of it!