Walkers & Talkers

This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers.

I had the pleasure and privilege just recently of attending the funeral of a woman who, over the years, I’ve done a few small jobs for. Though I never knew her that well I have been friends with her daughter for twenty some years. Now you’re probably wondering how a funeral could be a pleasure, and I will explain. As I said I did not know this woman that well other than she claimed to be a Christian and had been living on her own for as long as I had known her. My great aunt, whom we bought our property from, had been a self-sufficient widow for many years and I have a great deal of respect for any woman who thrives (not just survives) without a man’s help. These days women are more likely to hold a job with a livable income than in days past. May I add that she “claimed” to be a Christian. We are told not to judge people and I believe that includes both good and bad. Jesus said many will say, “Lord, Lord,” but actually will be his enemy.(Matthew 12:30) Jesus states, “He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters.”

Not to be cynical, but when someone tells me they are a Christian, I don’t get too excited till I see some fruit. And this is just where my great joy came from – by attending, of all things, a funeral. I was one minute late and the church was overflowing. I ended up standing in an adjoining hallway connected to the sanctuary. I couldn’t hear everything, but I heard most of it and what I heard blessed my soul like I don’t have words to describe. I do not have time or space for details, but I will tell you, this woman was a walker, and this is what I mean. Ever heard someone say, “Old Joe Blow he’s all talk, but John Doe he walks the walk.” Among Christians this is certainly the case. To some extent we all fit one category or the other. We might have one foot on one side and another on the other side.

I wondered at first how we might have a discussion on this because we will either brag on ourselves (which is not good) or will incriminate ourselves (which is probably not a good idea either). But after thinking and praying on it, I figured we can all talk about someone else. Most human beings are pretty good at that, but we will do it in a good way. Pick a “walker”, either someone you know personally, someone you have heard about, read about or even someone from the Bible. If we have ten people, that tell about ten people, and I feel ten times as good as I did that day of the funeral I will have to tie myself to my chair. If you appreciate a person’s inner beauty as I have come to do, you better bring a seat belt.

While pondering all this I was thinking to myself that I considered myself a walker. Yep, that’s me. I do all kinds of good stuff. About the time I was patting myself on the back, one of the kids in my Sunday School class, (while discussing love) who spends weekends frequently at my house, asked me why I yell at my wife all the time. I told her I don’t do it all the time, just when she (the child) comes over and besides that she’s (my wife) is hard of hearing, then I told her to go sit down and shut up. Just kidding! I didn’t tell that little girl all that (but she did ask me why I yell at my wife); and actually took me by surprise and I didn’t know what to say. I don’t think I yell (as in volume) frequently, but I know for certain I have a grumpy tone much too often. Sorry honey! Looks like I’m a talker after all, and a loud one at that. It reminds me of Proverbs 31:32, “the bigger the foot that enters the mouth, the bigger the noise heard in the house.” Well I’m going to floss this toe jam and brush my teeth with some foot powder and think about some heroes I’ve known personally and read about in biographies and the Bible and try a little harder to emulate their lives in every aspect.

And do not forget:
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it’s shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2

One of my favorite verses that sums up vast expanses of the Bible in a few short words:
“The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through Love.”
Galatians 5:6

Let’s top it off with this:
“What good is it my brother, if a man claims to have faith, but no deeds?
Can such faith save him?”
James 2:14

Joel (big mouth) Emerson

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