Like Father Like Son

The closer I get unto my God, the more I feel His pain,
And though His burden outweighs the world, mine is but a grain.
I feel the icy chill of cold hearts hard as stone,
To me they’re at a distance, to Him they’re fully known.
My eyes do weep for those who keep hate within their soul,
For those who sell their brother, father, mother for mere gold.
God is Love, and Love is God and hate must hurt Him deep,
But grace and mercy hold back His wrath, His anger He does keep.
Sticks-n-stones can break men’s bones, but words can surely kill,
And hateful words, cursed and inferred, I’m sure He’s had His fill.
Some men never speak at all to the One who gave them life,
They cut all ties with their Creator as with dull rusty knife.
I have known rejection, but I am just a man,
He is sublime perfection, how can all this He stand?
I love Him, yet I grieve Him too, I say this with great shame.
Although I try to please Him, my evil sometimes reigns.
It seems as though it’s a part of me, a curse I cannot shake,
And though He has forgiven me, that part I wish He’d take.
And cast it in the deepest ocean, no longer to give pain
To me or Him, my greatest Friend, my sin’s my greatest shame.
Now Jesus suffered greatly, at the hands of wicked men,
And God the Father takes displeasure with every form of sin.
Sweet Jesus, He was hated while He walked upon this earth.
But God is hated by some men, till death from since their birth.
To ignore Him is that to hate Him, could this be really true?
Is faith revealed, unconcealed by all the things we do?
How do you then stand with Him, are you washed in Jesus’s blood?
Or are you dirty from your sin, like one who’s been in mud?
Are you like the soldiers who drove nails through Jesus’s hands,
When you reject the God of all, for something not in His plan?
Jesus suffered for mankind upon a bloody cross,
And His Father pours forth grace and mercy; no man can know the cost.
My praise for Them is like the wind, no one can hold it back,
Like Father, like Son, they Love as one and that is sure a fact.
Do you hurt Them with your life, taking for granted their sweet grace?
Figure it out while there’s still time, one day Them both you’ll face.
Words cannot describe the wrath on that great judgment day.
But words can bridge this chasm of pain when we begin to pray.
Save me, Jesus, a sinner I am, I know your blood can save,
I turn from hurting you right now, your joy I now do crave.


The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth,
and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth,
and his heart was filled with pain.
Genesis 6:5-6

A note about “Like Father Like Son”: How troubled I am when people I love will not give God a couple hours a week, honoring Him by worshipping (or just showing up giving an inclination of seeking) Him in His house. How some will not give Him five minutes reading their Bible or just a few minutes in prayer. If this is a heavy burden on my heart, then what must the all-knowing God feel? The more I embrace this, the greater my shame when I do what I know is not right. But also the more I understand His Love for me and/or the world, the greater my Love is for Hi, Luke 7:4, Does God suffer by our sin in a similar way that His Son did? Since Christ died for my sins, does that make me just as guilty as the Roman soldiers who crucified Him?

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