The Vision of Faith

Jesus healed two blind men, they were happy as could be,
Their whole world completely changed the second they could see.
He told them very sternly not to tell a soul,
But their happiness and joy they could no way control.
A world of brilliant color beneath the sun so bright,
They were the slaves of darkness ‘til the Master gave them sight.
We all take for granted, green grass and skies of blue,
But all the world for them unfurled its beauty was brand new.
They’d never seen a butterfly, a tree, a blade of grass,
The flowing of clear water, they’d finally see at last.
In all their years upon this earth they’d never seen a face,
The stories that man’s eyes can tell from rage to love and grace.
Now they’d see the stars at night, our vision of eternity,
Another one of nature’s wonders that speaks of God with certainty.
Clouds with shifting shapes casting shadows on the ground,
These blind men, they were clueless, they had no smell, nor sound.
Though Jesus told them not to speak of what he’d done for them,
They spread the news both far and wide of sight received from Him.
But most of us, we see the world with vision crystal clear,
But do we see with eyes of faith our God we all should fear?
Our faith reveals what is unseen, what’s eternal, perfect, true,
And we are healed when Christ reveals by faith we have a view.
Of beauty of the greatest kind the world cannot compare,
The mighty wondrous Love of God, a cross that He did bear.
The glory of my dirty soul washed clean from all my sin,
Knowing that my Saviour is also my best friend.
Peace and joy revealed by faith a window for my soul,
They shine far brighter than the gleam of silver and of gold.
The hope we have for heaven its beauty yet unknown,
But by my eye of faith I see it, it is my only home.
Now Jesus said don’t cast your pearls before the lowly swine,
But I cannot contain myself in hopes that all men find
The vision that He’s gifted me when I close my eyes and pray,
And my world is completely changed from dark night into day.
Has He also given you sight and joy you can’t contain,
Or do you stumble in the dark in misery and in pain?
Call to Him, He’ll touch you and give you eyes of faith,
And you will be astounded by His glory, Love and grace.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for
and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

… and their sight was restored.
Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.”
But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region.
Matthew 9:30-31

A note about “The Vision of Faith”: The story of the two blind men in Matthew 9:27-31 is one of my favorites. Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” It’s ironic that a “vision” of faith will heal a physical deficiency in sight, but so many people with 20/20 vision are blind spiritually. I especially like the part where He told them sternly not to tell anyone, but they went and told everyone. Not good to disobey the Lord, but I believe He was making a point similar to the woman (Mark 7:23-30) who begged Him to drive the demon out of her daughter. He told her “it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” If He cured you of blindness could you keep it a secret? If He has given you a “vision” of faith that sees your soul cleansed of sin, eternal life with Him and more Love than your little heart can hold, could you keep that under wraps?

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