Black Hole Heart

There’s a vacant empty chamber in the hollow of my heart,
I’ve tried a million ways to fill it, a million ways I’d start.
But the void keeps growing bigger with every passing day,
No matter what I put inside, it just doesn’t seem to stay.
Earthly treasures and its wisdom seems to no avail,
Every hope to fill my longing, it always seems to fail.
I searched the world high and low to feed my hungry soul,
There is no substance that I’ve found, no pleasure and not gold.
My last resort is you, Lord, but the evil that I’ve done and from you I’ve always run.
I’ve come up short with you, Lord, I don’t know what to say, why you would hear me when I pray.
With this emptiness inside me I feel I’m but a slave,
It brings me down to my knees with one foot in the grave.

My little child
Come rest awhile.
This trouble which you speak,
It’s Me you really seek.
This hunger in your heart,
It was Me whom did impart.
When your heart belongs to Me,
It overflows so joyfully.

Lord I would not have you enter my house of filth and dirt,
I know that I’m not worthy; I wear my sin just like a shirt.
I’ve ignored you for so many years; I hang my head in shame,
Now when troubles overwhelm me, is when I call upon your name.
My life has grieved so many, a sodden trail of tears,
But you, Lord, waited patiently through all my wayward years.
I don’t deserve a single thing from your loving open hand,
Oh that I could start life anew, I’d have a different plan.
My last resort is you, Lord, but the evil that I’ve done and from you I’ve always run.
I’ve come up short with you, Lord, I don’t know what to say, why you would hear me when I pray.
With this emptiness inside me I feel I’m but a slave,
It brings me down to my knees with one foot in the grave.

O wayward one,
Come to my Son.
My Love will make you free,
Look and you will see.
He gave His life in pain for you,
What more can we ever do?
His blood can make you clean,
Your sin is gone unseen.

Though my heart is filled with joy, my mind can’t fully understand,
Why the Maker of all there is would come as lowly man.
And though perfect He did suffer much from the hands of evil men,
In His darkest hour the Lord of all couldn’t find a single friend.
All the punishment that I had due was placed on Him that day,
Mere words cannot express my thanks as I bow my head to pray.
As I’ve been given abundantly, so I must also give,
Now my heart is filled, it truly is filled with Love that came from His.
My last resort, was you, Lord, now by your grace I see just how much that you Love me,
Now I report to you, Lord, you’ve filled my heart with Love so sweet from up above.
With this peace and joy inside me, I’m rescued from the grave,
A servant to a Loving God, no longer sin’s sad slave.

Now you’re my son,
But we’re not done
There’s so much we’ve to do,
Before this earthly life is through.
As your faith in Me yet grows,
Your heart will surely know.
The fullness of my Love
Though empty that it was.


There’s a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus!
Blaise Pascal

A note about “Black Hole Heart”: Some things we perceive as bad are actually good. God gives us hunger so we will eat, makes us thirsty so we will drink. Loneliness so we will seek companionship. He also puts a room (if you will) in our hearts that nothing else will fill except for Him, although most of us at one time or another try to put everything imaginable in there. Whatever it is, it is temporary and though it might appear to satisfy for a while it will not last. When we allow God in (our fellowship with Him is totally hinged on the work of His Son and our trust on His work, not ours) to this “room” He will clean, remodel, enlarge and overflow it with His Love. When this happens there will be no more room for the stupid stuff.

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