Laying It Down

I held a tiny infant boy, on joyous Christmas day,
And in my ear, the voice of God it really seemed to say,
“Behold the little one you hold, your arms provide his care,
Would I to men entrust my Son, His raising let them share?”
Would they treat Him like the King, exactly who He is?
Or would He be met with great regret as they want what’s only His.
He laid it down, down to the ground as low as all men go,
From up above, His endless Love, descends to earth below.
Into the grave, for men to save, He stooped to lowest point,
The hearts of men, He joined to Him, to form eternal joint.
The tiny babe a miracle of innocence and grace,
And lo our mighty awesome God once had this tiny face.
As we see our own brothers, we have a glimpse of God,
Created in His image though their tents are made of sod.
How we treat them is how we treat Him, yes Jesus said this true,
And by the measure we love each other, is how we love Him too.
He laid it down, laid down His crown, and picked up cross of shame,
From up above, His endless Love, endured His time of pain.
He tasted death, with His last breath; He died for all men’s sin,
And gave their heart, a brand new start, and life that never ends.
This little one, my sweet grandson, a spirit in human form;
God sent His Son, His only One, a human also born.
Though both alike in many ways between them there’s a span,
For one inherited all men’s sin, the other’s the perfect Man.
And Jesus died so we may live; He laid it down for all,
And may we lay it down the same for love is how we’re called.
Lay it down, to the ground, as low as all men go,
From up above, His endless Love, should cause our hearts to grow.
In full surrender, may His Love render, that we should stoop with open hand,
And touch souls hearts, in full or part, love returns unto the man.


This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
I John 3:16

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me.’”
Matthew 25:40

A note about “Laying it Down”: Christmas day while at my oldest daughter’s house for a family gathering, everyone was involved in a game involving the first player picking a random wrapped gift and everyone else choosing either the gift picked and unwrapped or one left on the table, I found a better job by holding my 3-month-old grandson until he fell asleep away from the racket. With my mind on the amazing concept of the Son of God becoming the Son of Man and actually holding a tiny human in my arms this became more reality than mere concept. Though sometimes God speaks in a whisper, He can stir one’s soul like a thunderclap. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form. Colossians 2:9. Even a baby’s body!

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