Shortly after Christ’s descent to earth,
Not far behind His human birth,
He was met with joy by privileged few,
Who understood who they did view.
Not just a baby planned by man,
But God’s own Special Salvation plan.
Shepherds found Him by Angel’s word,
They ran to find Him the minute they heard.
They found Him lying in some hay,
And praised God above when they did pray.
They told their friends far and wide,
Their great joy, they could not hide.
The wise men came from very far,
By following a sign, a shining star.
They brought gifts that came from earth,
But their worship they brought was highest worth.
Simeon was a Godly man,
He was waiting for God’s great plan.
He could not die till God’s revealing,
Of His Gift to others concealing.
Anticipating that great day,
When it came he had to pray.
“Take me, Lord, I’m ready to go,
I’ve seen the Christ and now I know,
That He has come for all mankind,
And I have seen Him in my time.”
Anna was old, but God she did love,
Night and day her thoughts were above.
She thanked God for His precious Son,
She went and told His chosen ones.
Do you seek Him like you should?
Would you go to Him if you could?
Do you thank God for the Christ?
Are you too busy with your own life?
We see stars that testify,
Of God’s great glory they do not lie.
If we listen close we surely hear it,
This quiet Voice of God’s own Spirit.
Greater than songs of angels heard,
Is what we read within God’s Word.
Get up now and go to Him,
For He will vanquish all our sin.
We surely find Him when we look,
The path to Him is in God’s Book.
And when we bow our heads and pray,
We find both Christ and joy that day!
I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17
A note about “Divine Appointment”: The Bible is the oldest Book around and yet still as relevant as today’s newspaper. Just as it was destined for poor shepherds and wealthy wise men to have a rendezvous with Jesus and for Simeon and Anna to see Him in person, it is God’s planning and desire for us to see Jesus with eyes of faith. They praised and thanked God, offered gifts and shared this wonderful experience with others. If we seek Him, we will find Him and when we do the results will be the same no matter what your worldly rank or status. Even as an infant He inspired awe and praise, how much more now that He has accomplished His mission on earth (the cross) was resurrected and now sits at the Father’s right hand. If you have not met Him you only need to seek Him.