Fourth Man in the Fire

When the fires of life would burn us up,
We all must drink from this fiery cup.
Look now the flames grow higher,
Behold the fourth Man in the fire.
The flames they lick our very soul,
They burn like hell, they’re out of control.
To consume us is its desire,
Behold the Fourth Man in the fire.

Three men in the fire sentenced to their death,
Fourth Man He is sent inside to save from hell the rest.
The world it is a turning, fire it is a burning,
The heated question that must be asked, do Jesus we confess?

The fire scorches all men’s skin,
Fueled by pride and every sin,
To deny it proves we are liars,
Behold the Fourth Man in the fire.
Our lives on earth are burning fast,
Our glory today will soon be past,
When it comes down to the wire,
Behold the Fourth Man in the fire.

Three men in the fire sentenced to their death,
Fourth Man He is sent inside to save from hell the rest.
The world it is a turning, fire it is a burning,
The heated question that must be asked, do Jesus we confess?

Into the fire Jesus came,
To bring us out of Satan’s reign.
Not one hair singed, no smell of smoke,
By trusting Christ and Word He spoke.
His blood will deliver from death and hell,
I know it’s true so I must tell.
As fire consumes the world we know,
He takes us out and with Him we’ll go.

The fire raging that we fueled,
Will not burn us when Jesus rules.
Faith in Him required,
Behold the Fourth Man in the fire.
But though we feared the very worse,
He came in and took our burning curse.
The flames no longer our pyre.
Behold the Fourth Man in the fire.

Three men in the fire sentenced to their death,
Fourth Man He is sent inside to save from hell the rest.
The world it is a turning, fire it is a burning,
The heated question that must be asked, do Jesus we confess?


He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed,
and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”
Daniel 3:25

A note about “Fourth Man in the Fire”: Many times the fire of affliction is not a result of our sins and bad decisions but sometimes it is. Whatever the reason, it is either given or allowed by God. We see this in Job 2:6 when the Lord gave Satan complete control over every aspect of Job’s life (except for death). We may not understand God’s providence but from the story of Azariah, Mishael and Hananiah we have the confidence that in complete allegiance to Christ, He will be there with us through every burning trial. Keeping in mind that during the reformation many were burned at the stake and their physical bodies were destroyed, they, and we, look forward to a better resurrection. (Hebrews 11:35) If we’re going to be burnt, better for doing good than evil. (I Peter 4:12-16)

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