Room With A View

I am a lonely prisoner inside this county jail,
Time doesn’t fly; it drags on by, just like a crippled snail.
Got into a fight with my celly, something over a smell.
They took me out after that bout, now I’m in a one man cell.
No more fighting for this soul, for I’m in here all alone,
Twenty-three seven this ain’t no heaven, I’ve got a cot and cold steel throne.
Four walls and ceiling stark and bare bathed in fluorescent light,
A cold hard floor and squeaky door, it’s locked both day and night.
A small food slot for serving grub, the menu has no choice,
I pace and walk and often talk to myself just to hear a voice.
But I have two lovely windows, with such a lovely view,
If not for those, they’re open, not closed I wouldn’t know what to do.
Oh surely what a Godsend these windows in my room,
Yes, what a sight they bring in Light that dissipates my gloom.
They fill my mind with wisdom and put joy within my heart,
Worth more than gold they light my soul inside the deepest part.
They were not there initially; they were closed just like my mind,
But soon I’d know their precious glow and the peace they gave I’d find.
What a gift from God above, these windows that He gave,
No longer my sin holds me in, I’m done with being its slave.
These walls may hold my body, but the windows free my soul,
As Love comes in and out again, my spirits on a roll.
The Bible is one window it floods my soul with light,
Window two is prayer true, it is my heart’s delight.
By faith the Word of God reveals His promises sublime.
And when I pray He hears me say, “I love You for all time.”
These windows breech the strongest wall and lets my Savior in,
And I am free to love and be with the greatest of all friends.
Windows, windows in my room, they give me grandest view,
In faith I see, what I can be, when my life I give God to.


Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me.
Psalm 142:7

A note about “Room with a View”: As much as I hate a dog in the house, I hate even more leaving the little three legged mongrel in his outside 8 X 10 pen for extended periods of time. Although it is made out of block I have a large piece of glass on one side where he can view the world. Much better than those incarcerated in solitary confinement. I’m not denouncing this form of punishment because for a jail or prison staff it could be the only resort for an unruly inmate or for someone who fears for their personal safety. However they have no window, TV, radio, companionship with another human, nothing more than books, paper and pencil. It is my prayer and my physical duty to try to see that each man I encounter in “the hole” understands that this is a time to “be still, and know that He is God.” Psalm 46:10

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