The Gift

Where eye cannot see, and hands cannot feel,
Where our senses fall short, that tell us what’s real.
God gives us a gift, that He gives us in Love,
It covers our soul, like a hand in a glove.
A must for salvation, without it we’re lost,
It’s free yet it’s priceless, obtained without cost.
But once we possess it, it commands a high price.
It could be a fortune, or even your life.
A shield against Satan, with his arrows aflame,
We use it to pray, in Jesus Christ’s name.
Although we can’t see it, its fruit is quite plain,
The fruit comes forth from saints, abundant as rain.
We express it in love, in all that we do,
Its brother is hope that we hold fast on to.
Though its rewards and pleasures, may not bloom in this world,
In the majestic hereafter its bounty unfurls.
So simple and easy, it belongs to a child,
To the cynical mind, it just ain’t their style.
Now it is quite sure of what we don’t see,
And in it lies hope of what we shall be.
The saints of days past found their righteousness in it,
And it’s there for our asking, though our doubts they do limit.
What we can’t comprehend we commit to God’s hands,
We trust in His wisdom, we rely on His plans,
This gift that He gives will carry us through,
No matter what people, or the world it will do.
Hold on to it dearly when deep in life storms,
And trust in our God, from whom all things are formed.
Fix your eyes upon Jesus the author and perfector,
Who’s the Savior of men, and our only protector.
This gift from our God reconnects us to Him,
By the blood of Sweet Jesus which purges our sin.
It’s impossible to please our God without this,
This invisible, powerful, life changing gift.


He said to his disciples,
“Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
Mark 4:40

A note about “The Gift”: Jesus could cure any and every illness known to man. Blindness, deafness, leprosy, things that modern science has yet to be able to fix. But, He could do no miracles when faith was lacking. It is our connection with God by means of His Son. No way around it. It, I believe, is a gift, but like all gifts it must be received willingly and like the mustard seed parable it can grow, but not without our participation. Bible study, prayer and exercise are the only way it will grow.

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