Forbidden fruit hanging there looks so good and tasty,
But be so careful before you pick it, please don’t get too hasty.
It was the death of Adam and also his wife Eve.
The trouble it would bring on them their minds could not conceive.
Temptation comes in many forms, not just fruit that’s held by stem,
But most that we surrender to ends up as dirty sin.
God, He does not tempt us, fore sin does hurt His heart.
Why would He encourage pain upon His tender part?
It comes from our own free will that God has given to us.
We can choose to disbelieve Him, or in Him put our trust.
Satan he will whisper in your ear words of lust and doubt,
And the onslaught of our conscience becomes a spiritual bout.
Mortal men would please their bodies, it’s always been this way.
But we can defeat the devil with God’s Word, and when we pray.
Jesus, He was tempted in every way like all,
But He kept His heart and ears attuned to His Father’s Holy call.
No temptation can ever rule you, for the Spirit He is there,
To break its power over men who for our God do care.
He can help the weakest will do what it’s supposed to do,
So when you give into temptation, the fault belongs to you.
Resist the wiles of Satan and he will surely flee,
And we can thank our God above for our sweet victory.
Temptation holds no power over children of the Christ,
And we can win our battles when Jesus rules our life.
Thank Him for the fortitude He gives unto our hearts,
And when temptation comes along the grace of God will start.


No temptation has overtaken you
except what is common to mankind.
And God is faithful;
he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted,
he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13

A note about “Temptation:” How can we measure our love for God without some kind of ruler? What a temptation it was for Adam and Eve that fruit looked so good and the serpent made it sound more appealing. How much temptation it was for Abraham to disobey God and not even consider sacrificing his son? God knows our heart, but according to Jeremiah 17:9 we don’t know our own heart. Perhaps our temptations are for our benefit, so we can examine and measure our love and its growth.

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