The Kingdom of God a gazillion light years wide,
And inside my heart His Spirit resides.
His power is shown by the spin of the earth,
To me it is known by my soul’s new rebirth.
His glory displayed in the dawn of the day,
I embrace it more fully every time that I pray.
His Kingdom, His power, His glory, oh yes,
Together they all, my body and soul bless.
They’re all owned by God and to Him alone,
Nothing compares manmade that is known.
Kingdoms on earth built by mere men,
Today they are here, tomorrow gone with the wind.
The power of man is a frail as his breath,
In only an hour he’s overtaken by death.
Man’s glory will fade with the passing of time,
When the worm eats his bones, no glory you’ll find.
But God’s Kingdom’s eternal with no end in sight,
No darkness within, it’s a Kingdom of light.
His power is fueled by His grace and His Love,
No power is greater than that from above.
His glory much greater than the sum of creation,
To ponder it briefly will rouse great elation.
The Kingdom, the power, all glory is God’s,
What man owns of these, just like him is but sod.
No Kingdom shall be without One on the throne,
Without God in heaven no power is known.
Great glory is Him, not the things that He’s made,
Be sure your worship and praise are unto Him paid.
Only a fool can see just the world,
Faith sees the King, His power and glory unfurled.


Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, LORD, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
1 Chronicles 29:11

For Yours is the kingdom
and the power and the glory forever.
Matthew 6:13 NKJV

A note about “The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory”: All these belong to God and any of these that men may claim for themselves come up way short of the real things. However, we must be careful not to be obsessed with these “by-products” of God and neglect what really counts: Him! A few amazing facts about these from His Word: We are His Kingdom (Revelation 1:6); His power has been given to us (Luke 24:49); we will one day share His glory (II Thessalonians 2:14). Before you get a swelled head remember you did not earn any of this on your own merit, they are for everyone and a gift of the highest order, paid for by the priceless Blood of Jesus. Brag all you want, but make sure it’s about Him and not yourself!

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