What an honor, what a joy,
To know these women, men and boys,
Who served their country and fellow man,
When others ran, they made their stand.
Like Jesus they took up their cross,
What we gained was their loss, yes, life and limb was the cost.

All gave some, some gave all,
They heeded the cry of freedom’s call.
Freedom is not free; it cost blood and tears,
It’s taken many a hero in their best years.

Raise our glass, make a toast,
To these heroes that we boast.
They sacrificed life, limb and time,
So that freedom we may find.
The proud, the brave, the true,
What they did, they did for me and did it all for you.

All gave some, some gave all,
They heeded the cry of freedom’s call.
Freedom is not free; it cost blood and tears,
It’s taken many a hero in their best years.

They are clothed in dignity; they are our country’s pride,
They spilt their blood in honor on foreign soil they died.
No love’s any greater than who lays down his life,
They are great imitators of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks to those that God has chose,
Though we forget, each one He knows,
Who gave so much for others’ sake,
By their great honor we partake,
In freedom’s joy lest we forget.
These souls of valor who gave great blood, sweet tears and bitter sweat.

All gave some, some gave all,
They heeded the cry of freedom’s call.
Freedom is not free; it cost blood and tears,
It’s taken many a hero in their best years.
It’s made a vast deep ocean of salty tears.


Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13

A note about “The Best Years”: I was given the privilege of being able to play music at the V.A. hospital recently and this was written for this occasion. I’m increasingly concerned about the “lukewarmness” Revelation 3:16 of the modern day church and I think of those who have laid it all on the line for their country and it seems these Veterans practice what Jesus preached far better than those called by His Name. They are each and every one my heroes. I do not take my freedom for granted and I wish the church could compare to them.

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