Jesus, He does hold me within His nail-scarred hand,
I have no fear of Satan or of any man.
They cannot snatch me out, His Word has clearly told,
The Creator of all there is, the Keeper of my soul.
Though my strength is feeble, and often do I slip,
I rest my whole salvation on the firmness of His grip.

Some people say salvation is fragile and can be lost,
But don’t forget the promise of the One who paid the cost.
He said He would not leave us as orphans in the storm.
The Love He pours into our hearts always keeps us warm.
He said to all believers He gives eternal life,
No ifs, buts, or maybes, don’t forget He’s Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ hand holds me, tender and yet firm,
Holds me up to His Heart, though I am but a worm.
I know whom I’ve believed in, it’s neither men nor me,
Within this Hand pierced in Love, I’m safe as I can be.

Assurance is a gift He gives to all who trust His Love,
If you don’t have it, brother, perhaps it is because
You trust in what you do and not what He has done.
The battle for our souls Jesus Christ’s already won.
Count on Him completely, He’s all we’ll ever need,
He promised us eternal life and His Word is guaranteed.


Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
look at the earth beneath;
the heavens will vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment
and its inhabitants die like flies.
But my salvation will last forever,
my righteousness will never fail.
Isaiah 51:6

A note about “Guaranteed:” After a discussion with several people who believed that a person can lose their Salvation, I referred to God’s Word and prayed for truth. 1 Peter 1:23 states that we are born again of imperishable seed. This tells me all I need to know. I think there will be many who thought they were saved, but never were. Romans 10:9 says if we confess with our mouths (which many do) and believe in our hearts we will be saved (but faith reveals itself in our lifestyle). Jesus said you can know a tree by its fruit (Matthew 7:17). I’m nobody’s judge, but we all need to examine where we are. It is true faith in Jesus, trusting in his Blood, or is it something else? I believe once saved, always saved! But do not forget Matthew 7:21-23: Please, please, please make sure of your calling!

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