God Measures the Heart

We measure time, we measure space,
The highest mountains, to the lowest place.
From milliseconds to millennium, we keep careful track,
From a razor’s edge we calculate from to the sun and back.
Timing is everything it’s what we’ve all been told,
Miles and minutes parade on past, it’s how our lives unfold.
But God measures the heart,
Man’s inmost part.
The place where good and evil always start,
God measures the heart.
He lights up its dark
We try to hide it, but His eye has found its mark.

We measure width, we measure height,
We measure sound, we measure light.
We’re consumed with the facts that don’t mean anything at all:
How fast, how slow, how short, how tall, how far we can throw that silly ball.
The feats of man, the records we admire,
They all will vanish inside the age’s fire.
But God measures the heart,
Man’s inmost part.
The place where good and evil always start,
God measures the heart,
He lights up its dark.
We try to hide it, but His eye has found its mark,
He takes the hardest heart, and holds it in His hand,
He sanctifies and purifies, and makes a brand new man.
The Love inside His eternal heart can beat within our chest,
He can fill the empty void inside and our weary hearts find rest.

We measure our days, measure our weight,
Compare it to others to determine our fate.
Is it a good life when sized up to our peers?
Can we measure our joy, can we measure our tears?
When eternity’s our future, and infinity’s our rule,
Our heart in God’s Hand is the measureless jewel.
But God measures the heart,
Man’s inmost part.
The place where good and evil always start,
God measures the heart,
He lights up its dark.
We try to hide it, but His eye has found its mark,
God measures the heart.
His love imparts,
Makes clean and renews and gives a brand new start.


A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:2

Because God has poured out His Love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us.
Romans 5:5

A note about “God Measures the Heart”: Another one I set to music. People are obsessed with numbers that don’t mean diddley. So many people care nothing about what truly counts. What does God think of your heart? II Chronicles 16:9

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