A tree at springtime sings of God and His Resurrection power,
Of that my life would do the same, right now and every hour.
Flowers bloom, the earth warms up, with longer brighter days,
As joy does blossom and warms my heart, I sing a song of praise.
Winter’s sleeping creatures leave darkness and enter light,
My soul was in a dungeon, now God’s Love is its delight.
The babbling brook once frozen, returns to joyful song,
My spirit once homeless and destitute is home where it belongs.
The singing birds who all flew south have made a grand return,
And though so far away from God, for Him I’ve always yearned.
Once brown grass, now luscious green, bursting forth anew,
I have also been given new life, that’s beautiful and true.
The earth seems to die in winter’s bleak season,
But for earth and for people, God has His reason.
Man’s own sin has produced death such an awful curse,
Death not only for him, but for the whole entire earth.
Every living thing dies in the course of time,
You can run, you can hide, but death will you find.
But spring is our reminder of the hope God gives to all,
By His grace and His Love, He rescues all from the fall.
The earth is reborn by the power of God’s might,
And our souls can be too when we receive the Son’s Light.
Every year the earth returns with color and song,
And God’s children will get new bodies, it won’t be long.
And we will sing like the birds and flourish like the oak,
Through nature and His Word our awesome God has spoke.
So, when you see all of nature waken from its rest,
By the Blood of our sweet Jesus, God is saving us His best.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Song of Songs 2:12
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake:
some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12:2
A note about “Spring Thing”: I left a friend’s house on one of the early days of spring and found myself on a two-lane backroad that ran through the woods. Some of the trees that re-leaf early had put forth those beautiful lime-green new leaves that I love. I am absolutely convinced that springtime is nature’s yearly prophecy of Jesus’ resurrection (B.C.) and a reminder of it since then. It’s also a prophecy and very real visual hope of our own resurrection that addresses all our senses. How can unbelievers miss this? I should know, but God’s glory in nature and other ways as I walk with Him seems to make those days like a dream that you wake up from and only remember bits and pieces. As beautiful as springtime is, it is merely a fore-shadow of what is to come!