Forty-four in number went down to the beach,
One took pictures gruesome, for the world to reach,
Twenty-one in orange, twenty- one in black,
One ancient dragon who led the attack.
Evil men in black chose their faces to hide,
Saints in orange on their knees they died.
They died for one reason, one reason alone,
The Name of Jesus they would not disown.
This day was foretold many years ago,
By a man named John, how did he ever know?
That heads would roll, that blood would spill,
And the serpent is coiled, ready for the kill.
Apocalypse now, it’s here at the door
The birth pains screaming upon that shore.
Twenty-one died on a beach that day,
Down on their knees, twenty-one did pray.
They traded their orange for robes of white,
Now they’re bathed in splendor in blazing light,
Men in black they’ve had their day,
But the time will come when they will pay.
For all is not finished upon this earth,
God will reward every man his worth.
Wrath for the killers of saints and His Son,
Glory for the pillars of the temple of the One,
The One who sees every deed, bad and good,
The One who gave His Son upon a cross of wood.
The Son who died that we may live,
Who held nothing back when He did give.
Will you, can you, for Him do the same,
Lose your head, for holding to His Name?
The time is near, the time is here,
Trust in Him and please don’t fear.
For He has promised, yes, He has said,
Those in Him won’t lose a hair from their head.
Fear not men who can only kill our shell,
But fear the One who can cast your soul into hell.
The day is here, a testing of God’s people,
May we overcome, every soul a mighty steeple.
Pointing to Christ without a hint of doubt,
Waiting on His angel, proclaiming with a shout.
“The King has returned, on earth He’ll make His throne,
And rule with righteous twenty-one and many more His own.”


And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God.
They had not worshiped the beast or its image
and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.
They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 20:4

Everyone will hate you because of me.
But not a hair of your head will perish.
Stand firm, and you will win life.

Luke 21:17-19

A note about “Apocalypse Now”: 2/15/2015 the world received a video of a beheading by masked cowards known as ISIS. Though they had videotaped this form of gruesome execution before, this was a first. A group of Christians killed because they were Christians and also the fact that it was a large group. Standard evangelical doctrine teaches that the “Rapture” will occur before the great tribulation, I myself do not hold to that doctrine based on quite a bit of scripture and one being Revelation 20:4, It tells of those beheaded during the tribulation. How do we know it happened during the tribulation? They did not worship the beast or his image or receive his mark. Revelation 7:9 talks about a great multitude that no one could count (see chapter 7:9-17). If all the saints are removed (and some say the Holy Spirit will be removed also/ this misconception based on II Thessalonians 2:7) how can brand new Christians (remember not just a few, but an uncountable number) have a faith strong enough to lay their heads down willingly on the chopping block? To my knowledge, faith starts small and grows with use, it is not instant. II Thessalonians 1:3 How about you? How long have you been a Christian and would you stick your neck out? When I wrote the line “glory for the pillars of the temple of the One” I did so because pillar rhymes with killer and temple seemed logical to go with pillar. What a surprise I had when researching this piece, the following morning and came across Revelation 3:12.

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