One day my eyes will see, my mind will understand,
These troubles that now be, the perfection of God’s plan.
Mysteries now concealed from our finite minds,
Will one day be revealed in God’s own way and time.
The questions of men that now are not completely known,
Will someday then in future days will be fully shown.
Today we walk by faith, not sight,
But in heavenly place all is light.
We shall see Christ just as He is,
And our lives will be like His.
All the pain, suffering and death,
Will be explained as perhaps a test.
So, trust Him now, He Loves you, all things are in His hand,
His thinking far above our minds, what mere mortals understand.
Trust and love go hand and hand, just like man and wife,
We must set our faith above and yield to the plan of Christ.
He has promised good to all who seek Him every day,
All of those who heed His call according to His purpose and His way.
Praise the Lord you chosen ones for one day we shall view,
The glory of God’s Holy Son and things that He will do.
And our lives upon this earth, its meaning we will know,
The greatness of their worth, our God will to us show.
What a day in God’s own home when we learn about our past,
The things that we will be shown it’s gonna be a blast.
So patiently we all will wait trusting God in faith,
And find out then it was not fate, but God’s great Love and grace.
Our lives, are being fashioned by God’s own perfect plan,
And I have greatest passion for that day I’ll understand.
The meaning of this life we live with its trouble and its fears,
The wisdom that our Christ will give will wipe away all tears.


For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror;
then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part; then I shall know fully,
even as I am fully known.

I Corinthians 13:12

A note about “Heaven’s Revealing of Earth’s Concealing”: So many things that happen here on earth that we don’t understand. To the human mind we don’t know why God would allow them to happen. We question God, perhaps not directly in prayer out of respect, but deep in our mind where we think is beyond His sight. Faith is more than believing (James 2:19) it is trusting. And trust His wisdom is what we must wholeheartedly do. However, faith will one day turn to sight and all our questions will be answered. When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. I look back and think how silly that was. One day we will do the same of every fear that we now have. One day we will know fully as we are fully known. When you think of every hair being numbered, we are in for quite a revealing.

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