God is a Person, so often we forget,
Do you really know Him, have Him you ever met?
Jesus is a human, a human through and through,
But the Father and the Spirit, they are a Person too.
They are not a being with skin, blood and bone,
But they have a personality that is all their own.
He has the trait of pleasure, for God was pleased with His fair Son,
Ever seen a child at play? He has a sense of fun.
God’s heart is grieved by the wicked ways of men,
He’s Holy and so perfect, He loathes our every sin.
But He Loves the sinner, like a Father Loves a child,
His grace it is stupendous, His mercy ever mild.
Love is God and God is Love,
Deeper than the ocean, higher than above.
He speaks a thousand different ways from nature to His Word,
The people who think Him silent, nothing can be more absurd.
He listens with intensity, our thoughts before we think,
And though it is not physical our faith with Him’s our link.
Anger is another part of God’s personality,
I thank Him that it’s something we very seldom see.
Kindness, generosity of the highest degree,
He hears the humble heart when your heart is on its knees.
God is our Creator yes, but you know, He’s so much more,
He is the Loving Person knocking at our door.
Created in His image, yes, I’m a person too,
But I’ve strayed far off the path of Him who’s always true.
Some folks they think Him as a force, without a name or face,
And God is just a title and heaven just a place.
But I know what He looks like, my eyes of faith they see,
He’s eternal Love and beauty, His Son’s blood,s my only plea.
A personality Divine, the Greatest Person ever known,
His trait revealed to all who seek, His personality is shown.
My God, my Great Creator, my Savior, yet my Friend,
The depth of all you are, like your Love there is no end.


“With whom will you compare me or count me equal?
To whom will you liken me that we may be compared?”

Isaiah 46:5

A note about, “Is God a Person”: How often I find myself serving the “idea” of God rather than Him the Person, perhaps serving His Kingdom, His cause or maybe even the law instead of Him directly by means of faith in love. One of the definitions of person in the dictionary is one of the three individualities in the Trinity. So, I’m safe from raising the ire of someone who would say I’m comparing God to mere mortals. But I would define the word person in this case as someone who has personality. Dictionary definition of personality: distinctive qualities or characteristics of a person, God has them, far, far above ours, but in a sense, they are the same. Love, hate, joy, grief, we were made in His image for the purpose of fellowship with Him. It takes one to know one. What’s good now will only get better if we only continue to pursue it.

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