Keep your distance, don’t come close, there’s a plague that’s running round,
It’ll make you mighty sick, put you in the ground.
But a question that does puzzle me, why would God let this be?
Its reason isn’t clear to me, it’s wisdom I can’t see.
But God’s Word it is a Teacher, His Spirit a great Light,
It brings me from my darkness and gives my spirit sight.
We all know that what comes around, goes around for sure,
And the sinful ways of humans, God has by Love endured.
We’ve kept His Love outside our heart, ignored His tender voice,
We were not forced to do this; we’ve done it all by choice.
So now we walk within His shoes, by code of social distance,
We’re finding how it feels to be met with great resistance.
People will not shake your hand or invite you in their space.
They seem to think you’re dirty, you feel so out of place.
Everyone wears a mask to stop the virus spread,
We’ve always worn a mask before God, like He could be misled.
Everywhere we’ve kicked Him out, now is closed to all,
We would not let Him in the door, wouldn’t heed His call.
We’ve taken prayer out the schools, removed His word from court,
Murdered His sweet babies by a lesser word, abort.
Perhaps we’ve even kicked Him out of the house known by His Name,
For churches far and wide don’t serve Him, what a shame.
So now the table’s turned and we reap what we have sowed,
We’ve kept God at a distance, ignored His Holy Code.
But perhaps there’s a solution for what we’ve brought upon our head,
If we turn from our great evil and hark to what He said.
He said He’d bless the nation that fears His Holy Name,
But all who do ignore Him, He’d bring them down in shame.
So, we must all open the doors and let Him in our life,
Or we’ll continue to suffer on in misery and strife.
This is not His wrath, not even close you see,
But if we don’t stop this hell-bound train, His wrath is sure to be.
May we turn from all our evil and return to God so great,
Hurry now, do it quick for one day may be too late.


They abhor me,
keep their distance,
and feel free to spit in my face.

Job 30:20

A note about, “Unsocial Indifference”: Written May 2, 2020 over a month into “social distancing” when most public places, schools, churches and government institutions were shut down. I’d been asking for this one and don’t know why it took so long, but God’s timing is always right. God came down and walked in our shoes and He often lets us walk in His in the form of rejection, mistreatment, indifference and evil doled out to us from other people. We complain about all of it without considering how the One who knows our hearts has to take abuse from 7 billion. When I came upon the verse at the end Job 20:30 it really, really shocked me. Taken out of context somewhat, but it fit the theme like a glove.

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