Signs of the times, signs in the sky,
Signs from our God and these signs do not lie.
Men can surely fabricate what they would have you see,
But God is truth and truth is God and He will ever be.
Sun and moon, and terrestrial ball are mile posts for our time,
In precision they hold to their course as they trace a circular line.
Light and shadow they intersect by appointment God ordains,
And not by month but merely minutes the moon full cycle wanes.
This is not coincidence it is not merely chance,
For God, Himself has choreographed the solar system’s dance.
The latter days will see sun darkened, the moon will turn to blood,
And evil will reign across the earth as days before the flood.
A dimming of the lunar orb quadruples in effect,
Don’t pass it off as nothing, God’s warnings don’t neglect.
For they shall come on Holy days, on days of God’s own choosing,
And do take care and be aware; don’t let them catch you snoozing.
Far beyond millennia God’s chosen ones have roamed,
When tetrad came on feast days, they finally had a home.
Jerusalem the Holy city the apple of God’s eye,
Returned unto the sons of Jacob, heralded by the sky.
The blood moons they are coming, and the feast are making ready,
And they will merge together; their course is sure and steady.
Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Lord in all His glory,
The tetrad and the feast days are only part the story.
The prophet’s words unfolding like a flower in full bloom,
For some it means redemption, for others it means doom.
So, make your peace with God my friend for judgement will be done,
And those not covered with Jesus’ blood will see no mercy, none.
And keep your eye upon the sky, He will return this way,
And listen to the Master’s words, He says to “watch and pray.”


There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.
Luke 21:25

The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

Joel 2:31

A note about “Tetrad”: I’m already convinced we are fast approaching the end of the age, but reading a book called, “Blood Moons” by Mark Blitzer added more certainty to my heart and mind. Fact: a Tetrad (which is four consecutive total lunar eclipses back to back without partial in between) are to happen between April 15, 2014 (Passover) and September 28, 2015 Fact: something significant happens when God celebrates His festivals by getting personally involved in the light show. What will take place? We can only speculate, but so many earthly indicators spell distress, like the world has never known, when you see the fig bush budding, you know that summer is near. Grab some sunscreen and watch and pray!

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