From the highest space in heaven, to the lowest place on earth,
From the Creator of all there is, to a humble human birth.
From the glory of the angel’s praise, to the smell of donkey dung,
From the Ancient of Days, to a tiny Baby fair and young.
From great power without limit, to a woman’s virgin womb,
From Holy life that is eternal, to a destiny, a tomb.
Why would God in heaven send His Son down here below?
Can you solve this mystery, will this you ever know?
The Love of God surpasses all, it cannot be contained,
Though heaven’s walls are high and strong, they cannot His Love restrain.
The Cost to free us from our sin, beyond all wealth of earth,
God sent His Son for you, my friend, that is to God your worth.
I see my heart as a stable floor, filthy, flies and mud,
But God must see something more, for He’s ransomed me with Blood.
My mind cannot accept such Love; it lies beyond all thinking,
But in my heart is where it starts, it grows within, not shrinking.
Who would know that God would go to such a length for me?
The one who shunned Him for so long, this sinner that I be.
A Gift, a sweet and precious Gift, like nothing ever gave,
That saved me from my sinful self that saves me from the grave.
Not wrapped in shiny paper, but in the awesome Love of God,
The King of all the universe has come in frame of sod.
Christ stepped down from heaven’s throne to take a servant’s role,
From manger to a bloody cross, it was all to save my soul.
A gift it only profits all those who will receive it,
So, take Jesus in your heart, don’t think your mind should dare conceive it.
The shepherds left their flocks behind to see the newborn King,
The angels left their heavenly home for His praise to sing.
The wise men traveled many a mile to give Him His partial due,
Now what you leave behind, and give is completely up to you.
God gave His best, His only Son at a price of greatest cost,
To save a world of sinful men, dirty, blind and lost.
Will you now receive His Love or turn your back on Him?
All for the fleeting pleasures of earth, oh the brevity of sin!
He came down to raise us up to live beyond mere time,
To reject God precious Gift is the unforgivable crime.
Thank you, God my Father for that night in Bethlehem,
When all the world was given Hope, all hope is found in Him.
Though He was just a baby, He removed our every shame,
This Christmas Gift from God above, sweet Jesus is His Name.


Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
II Corinthians 9:15

A note about “The First and Greatest Christmas Gift”: Very rarely do I write with the intention of writing about a certain subject. Most of the time I’m inspired by something God gives to me. It gives birth to the first two lines and grows quickly from there. However, this time with the Christmas season being in full swing I wanted something to exalt Jesus at a time when Satan, pardon my typo, I meant Santa does everything he can to steal our Lord’s glory. I also wanted it to be a gift, though meager, to God. I asked Him for it. Feels like a kid asking their dad for money so they can buy him a present. That’s me! Happy Birthday Jesus! Hope you like your card!

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