Our survival depends upon each other, that’s the herd’s protection,
But somewhere along the way we’ve become disjointed, societies great infection.
Mr. Graham Bell’s grand invention, designed to bring us together,
Causes us to ignore each other, our bond it only severs.
Suspicion rises from the accuser, he whispers in our ear,
And pride and insecurity breeds contempt and gives us fear.
Satan knows when he divides us, his battle’s all but won,
When we look out for number one, all of us are done.
The devil’s a crouching lion, his prey the slow and weak,
Without the herd’s protection havoc he will wreak.
A little child gets cancer and the devil smiles with glee,
It puts doubt in many minds, “Why would God let this be?”
But we must join together the herd it must protect,
Not to pray or join the fight against Satan is child neglect.
If a roaring lion pounced on your child right in front of you,
Could you count on friends and family to do what we need too?
Can your sister and your brothers count on you to fight,
Apathy’s the real killer, our caring and our prayers is our strength and might.
So, get down on your knees and open up your purse,
And together we can beat cancer’s awful curse.
Open up your hearts to children who are in need,
All for one, one for all, anything less is greed.
Think that you’re not greedy, well give yourself a test,
Do you give as Jesus did, or is it something less?

Joel Emerson

A note about “Together We Stand”: For the past 7 years I have participated in the St. Baldrick’s head shave event. People get their heads shaved and get sponsors to donate money for research to fight childhood cancer. I had cancer when I was 30, my dad passed away from it and my mom and sister both did battle with this monster. I can’t imagine the agony of having a child suffer from such a horror. People tell me “That’s such a nice thing you are doing,” but I don’t have to get a haircut but once a year and I don’t have to shave all year long. It’s a win, win situation. I write a poem every year and send it to the local paper to try to loosen some wallets.

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