Broken Cycle

Cycle of earth turns round and round,
What once came by birth returns to the ground.
Daylight to darkness the world as it turns,
Our time on this earth, a candle that burns.
The leaves on the trees they die every fall,
Return in the spring to God’s beck and call.
Nature the prophet in green it does sing,
Bird’s song of glory of what God will sure bring.
A Heavenly hope, oh wonderful day,
When all those departed rise up from the clay.
Cycle of birth, cycle of death,
To break this old cycle is man’s greatest quest.
But men cannot break it as much as they try,
As joy is in birth, there’s dread when we die.
But look over yonder, what’s that I see?
A man who has broken death’s chains and is free.
A man just like me with human like frame,
But comes from above bearing God’s Name.
No prisoner of death, no captive to sin,
Both humble and mighty we’ve no greater friend.
Our debt is piled high, no way can we pay,
His day on the cross was for us a great day.
Our debts were all cancelled, completely erased,
As He cried ‘Father forgive them” from black and blue face.
But death could not hold Him as He rose from the grave,
For all who receive Him, He’s power to save.
The cycle’s been broken by God’s mighty Hand,
By His Love and His Son, a heavenly plan.
And all those who trust Him, love and obey,
Will be made just like new, just like Him Easter day.


He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay.
Mathew 28:6

A note about “Broken Cycle”: I wrote this one while driving down the road. Not recommended of course, but that’s where it came to me. Coming back from a prison visit near Charlottesville, I started writing on the other side of Richmond and finished the last line as I pulled in my driveway. Glad I wasn’t riding my Harley that day, it could have been prophetic.

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