
When I was just a wee small lad, about the age of seven,
I thought that I’d been raptured up to the seventh heaven.
Out of all the boys in my hometown I was the chosen one,
A drawing was held for a special job and me, “yours truly,” won.
The coveted spot that I had got would begin at First and Main,
I prayed for sunny weather, I prayed we’d see no rain.
For I would lead the grand parade and carry our nation’s flag,
And ma and pa would point and say, “That’s our son,” they would brag.
This flag bound by a common thread, its colors bold and true,
The thread throughout was freedom and the colors meaning each I knew.
White stars upon field royal blue, each one a mighty state,
The blue was for the union, together they were great.
White stripes they are for righteousness, behold, “In God we trust.”
The red for blood of soldiers, whose tents lie in the dust.
Such an honor for a little boy to carry spangled banner,
I’d practice with a stick and sheet so exact would be my manner.
And so the day came sunny skies, I walked and held flag high.
And when I passed old soldiers saluting, I thought I saw some cry.
So glory halleluiah, our freedom marches on,
And though those days be distant, my memory is still strong.
Now once again I’ve been chose by God’s most wondrous grace,
To raise the banner of His Love upon this earthly face.
I can’t conceive that it would please God to trust me with this endeavor,
All the good and bad in all I do affects other souls forever.
Undeserving of such honor for a sinner such as me,
My worth is but a dead dog; at best I’m just a flea.
But I am living proof of the Love God holds for men,
Cause by great Love He rescued me from the folly of my sin.
Bound for hell it was my course, the path I chose to take,
But by Christ’s blood, the crimson flood, the chains of sin He’d break.
And now I wave my Savior’s flag, with pen and ink I write,
No time to waste I must make haste for day soon turns to night.
A greater job I now possess than days when I was seven,
For by God’s hand He helps this man guide lost souls unto heaven.
So drop your load and break your chains and join the King’s parade,
For praise and glory to our God is why, friend, you were made.
What an honor, what a joy to serve my living Savior,
Who gave me Love, gave me life and this truly awesome favor.
Of holding high His precious flag that’s stained with blood, His own.
And I shall wave it all my days till I lay it at His throne.


But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner.
Psalm 60:4
Let his banner over me be love.
Song of Solomon 2:4

A note about “Flag Bearer”: How many times have I heard the sermon, “you need to tell others about Jesus.” It seems to be in the form of a guilt trip or is made to sound like a cumbersome duty even though it’s the right thing to do. However, I’ve found out firsthand that it is more joy than duty. An honor given by grace and a privilege for sure. It’s more satisfying for it to be received by whoever you share it with, with a favorable reception, but according to the Word of Jesus the more we suffer for sharing our faith the greater our long-term reward. How many times I have left jail after Bible Study praising God the whole way home wondering why He blessed me with such a monumental job that seems of so much more importance than my worth or capabilities. “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” II Corinthians 12:9

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