The Underground Railroad

I went down to the station to catch myself a train,
Bound for the Beulah Land, but I got caught out in the rain.
I didn’t check the schedule, didn’t check the date,
When I went to buy my ticket the man he said, “You’re late.”
The man he said, “That train left an hour ago,
And you can’t hang out here, somewhere you got to go.”
Well, I can’t go ahead and I can’t turn back,
So when’s the next train to take me down the track?
He said, “The next train comes like clockwork every hour,
It’s black and fast and it’s never short on power.
There’s always room for another lonesome soul,
It stops for only picking up; it’s always on a roll.”
Well let me get a ticket for a comfortable seat,
He said, “It ain’t no pleasure cruise when they turn up the heat.”
Well maybe I’ll just wait for the train for Beulah land,
He said, “That ain’t gonna happen you should have had a better plan.”
I said, I thought I’d figure it out when I made it to the gate,
I thought I’d have more time to deal with it, I didn’t know I’d be so late.
Just then I heard that train a comin’, comin’ down the track,
And that man he won’t a lyin’, never seen nothing that was so black.
The train stopped at the station, the conductor’s hands were firey red,
He beckoned me to come aboard as my mind it filled with dread.
Its engine wasn’t powered with diesel fuel or coal,
But a wicked, winged demon shoveled coffins in a hole.
In the hole I saw a fire; it was a ghastly sight,
It burned through the day and it burned through the night.
Oh Jesus, I don’t want to board this train that’s bound for hell,
Now what is it that’s burning, I think it’s me I smell.
I had a million chances to take God’s gift of Love,
He sent His Son to die for me, His gift from above.
Why I didn’t take it when I had the time,
The grace that was offered once now I simply cannot find.
So listen to me people there is something I must tell,
Trust Jesus right away please, don’t ride this awful train to hell.


“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said,
‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets,
they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”
Luke 16:30-31

A note about “The Underground Railroad”: I went to a cookout at my wife’s cousin’s house. Her cousin’s ex-husband was there and told me about a life-changing visit to hell during a near death experience. I came home, walked in the door and started writing. Although I put the train theme in there, some of the descriptive lines were basically what he told me. I hope it makes you pray hard!

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1 Response to The Underground Railroad

  1. Barbara Lynch says:

    What a joy!!!!!!

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