Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Pretender

I followed Jesus, the Man Himself for 3 long years or more, I heard Him preach from mountain tops, I heard Him preach from shore. I watched Him heal the masses, the blind, the deaf, the lame, Even those dead … Continue reading

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The Great Smithy

Never give up, never give up; for God has a vision, God has a plan, To turn girls into women, to turn a boy to a man. In the darkest of dungeons, in the blackest of nights, He puts a … Continue reading

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Thanks, Love, and Wonder

Thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul, Thank you, Lord, for your words of gold. Thank you, Jesus, for skies of clear blue, Thank you, Lord, for just being you. Thank you for family and for friends, Thank you for … Continue reading

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Shackles and Chains

Shackles and chains and a hook for my nose, Wherever I’m pulled that’s where I goes. It’s the same old story again and again, God, He does bless and we forget about Him. So He puts on us famine, puts … Continue reading

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Roll Call

Deep in the heart of my slumber one night came a vision to remember, an incredible sight. Was I asleep, was it a dream? It was hard to tell, so real it did seem. Did I die in bed, die … Continue reading

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Fire Breathin’ Dragon

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can surely kill, The lethal damage they incur, there is no cure or pill. A single spark can burn a city right level with the ground, And a hateful word that’s … Continue reading

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The Word

Words of comfort, Words of life, Words far beyond an earthly price. Word of God that saved my soul, Upon this Word, I firmly hold. No man can take them, or ever steal These Words of truth, Words so real. … Continue reading

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One On One

Hush now, be very still, shut the world away for an hour. Know your God, breath in His Love, recharge within His power. The cares of life, they give us strife, and weary us to the bone, But peace we’ll … Continue reading

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Mind Over Matter

Set your mind on things above, Things of God and His great Love. Think on celestial heights, my friend, Above the chains of earth and sin. All the world is surely blind To what will soon surpass mere time. Worldly … Continue reading

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The Lord Will Provide

A dog might bite and a cat may scratch, But a lamb is a lamb and that’s a fact. A python will squeeze his victim to death, Squeeze him until he draws his last breath. But a lamb is a … Continue reading

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