Category Archives: Discipleship & Service

Bread Upon the Waters

I cast my bread upon the waters and the tide rolled it away, And as I stood on peaceful shore my heart in silence prayed. Take it, my sweet Jesus, this meager gift for thee, And one day there in … Continue reading

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Old Fetch

Old Fetch he was my favorite dog, He’d fetch a stick, he’d fetch a log. He’d cross a river; he’d climb a tree, Where that stick would land, Fetch would be. He had excitement and determination, He knew not the … Continue reading

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My Brother’s Keeper?

While rushing down a crowded, busy, lonesome city sidewalk, I had no time for chit or chat, no time for boring small talk. A crippled beggar, called out to me, “Have you some bread to spare?” An open hand I’ve … Continue reading

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One On One

Hush now, be very still, shut the world away for an hour. Know your God, breath in His Love, recharge within His power. The cares of life, they give us strife, and weary us to the bone, But peace we’ll … Continue reading

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Property Dispute

Boundary line in our soul, On one side’s dung, the other’s gold. Boundary line in our life, On one side’s peace, the other strife. We think what’s ours, we think we own, But while we breathe, it’s all on loan. … Continue reading

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“Follow Me,” sayeth the Master

“Follow me,” sayeth the master, not just in word but in deed, Through the valley of death, till our souls reach their rest. “Follow me,” I heard Him plead. Follow Him to the hereafter; He’s already marked His path. A … Continue reading

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